Cruising into 2013

Gail Davis, 08 January 2013

I am back refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to create an incredible 2013. This fresh approach is the result of 16 days on Crystal Cruises Symphony. I am a huge fan of the Crystal Cruise experience and its restorative powers. This blog is dedicated to anyone who’s ever been curious about cruises - corporate event planners, individual travelers and those planning family trips. There is something for everyone.

When I share that I love cruising, I often get the comment, “I have never been on a cruise.” To me it’s like someone saying, “I have never stayed at a hotel.”  You can’t lump all cruising together any more than you can lump all hotels together.

The experience of staying a moderate priced chain hotel and a five star resort are very different. 

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Hope for the Holidays

Gail Davis, 10 December 2012

Huffington Post Live

Simon Sinek is currently a very popular speaker. I love his main concept: “Know Your Why.”  

I have known my “why” since day one of establishing GDA. I love the feeling of working with great speakers who have the ability to change the world. It is a lofty “why” but it’s what drives me nonetheless.

When I met Nando Parrado, it was the beginning of that “why.” I founded GDA based on a commitment to share his story with the world. He was our first speaker. From his New York Times bestseller, Miracle in the Andes, to the recent History Channel documentary, “I Am Alive,” to the audiences he addresses, his story is incomparable.

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Don't Wait to Book Your Speakers Part 2

Gail Davis, 15 November 2012

Don't Wait

If you missed the last blog, click here to read part one of "Don't Wait." I listed the reasons why you don't want to wait to book your speaker - from fee increases to travel issues, I’ve covered it all.

First choice, availability and budget are usually the initial criteria to cross off the list when choosing a speaker. Now, are you ready to pitch your speaker options to your leadership team or committee?

Now is the time to get started - don't wait until the holidays pass you by to line up your strategy and key decision criteria.

In my experience of dealing with the "C" level decision maker (CEO, COO, Chief Sales, etc.) or high level committees, I have found it is best to give fewer options. Make a short list of options you are passionately prepared to discuss. It is always easier to go back and widen the search net. Once you let the suggestions get into a “free for all” it’s easy to lose control of the process.

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Don't Wait to Book Your Speakers

Gail Davis, 19 September 2012

Tick Tock! Beat the clock! Don't get caught in the speaker scramble!

You know the situation: You’ve known for months, maybe even a year, you need to start your speaker search. You have a dream list of possibilities.... the budget gets changed … the leadership changes. You know the slippery slope and I get it.

From my experience “on the other side,” I know the thinking. Why engage my leadership or committee before they really need to be concerned? It’s valid. However, don’t become a victim of waiting! Why?

You don’t want to lose your first option. It has happened several times in the past week at our office; clients have missed out on their first option. The speaking business is thriving, which means calendars are booking up much faster than in the past few years. The early bird gets the worm! No one wants to headline their event with their second choice.

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A Guest Blog From Kristina Wandzilak

Gail Davis, 24 August 2012

By: Kristina Wandzilak


Season Two of “Addicted” will premiere Tuesday, August 28, 2012 on Discovery Fit and Health at 10pm/9c, and I am asked each day how I am feeling about the day approaching.

Being a part of an award winning TV show was never on my radar, not planned or even dreamed about.  Nineteen years ago, I was hopelessly addicted, homeless, hungry, cold and in despair, wanting to die every second I was alive.  Finding recovery at 21 years old, I slowly rebuilt my life, healing my spirit, facing the viscous and haunting memories of the street.  I made amends and peace with the people I harmed and began to walk into a future that was uncertain and with sobriety, wide open.

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A Guest Blog from Nando Parrado

Gail Davis, 23 April 2012

By Nando Parrado

nando with gailIt is my honor to write the first guest blog for GDA . It seems fitting since I was the first speaker at GDA.

I had the pleasure of attending several events with GDA this week. A fundraiser, the Open house this week to showcase their new offices, and the reason for my trip to Texas, my keynote at an Entrepreneur Organization (EO) meeting. I have so many memories of GDA over the years.

It was wonderful to be there with Gail and the members of her team, past and present, at the open house. I marveled at what Gail has done to create such a professional organization.

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