How are fees being adjusted for virtual appearances?

Gail Davis, 02 June 2020

It seems intuitive that since speakers aren’t appearing in person, fees would go down. After all, the time for travel and time away from home have disappeared. But the answer isn’t as cut and dry as that.

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Celebrating 20 Years- Part 8: Staying Tech Savvy

Gail Davis, 05 July 2019

Being in the business of speaking, we hear all the latest thought leaders and accompanying buzz words.  Disruption, re-tooling and change management are all concepts we hear about daily.  At 20 years, it is fun to reflect back and think about how many massive changes we have seen and to think about the impact.

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Celebrating 20 Years- Part 7: IASB and EO

Gail Davis, 20 June 2019

“You can’t do it alone”---no truer words have been spoken. I have tremendous gratitude for two organizations that have played critical roles in my entrepreneurial journey: IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus) and EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization).

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Celebrating 20 Years- Part 6: Gratitude

Gail Davis, 11 June 2019

At the risk of being overly simplistic, the three-legged stool analogy seems so appropriate to pull out here. We must have great SPEAKERS, or we have nothing to offer our clients.  We must have loyal CLIENTS who use our services, or we would never book our speakers. And without talented EMPLOYEES, we could not serve either our clients or our speakers.

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Look Who's 20!

Gail Davis, 30 May 2019

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Celebrating 20 Years - Part 5: New Discoveries

Gail Davis, 24 May 2019

Although I am known for the Nando Parrado story, his is just one of many powerful, inspirational stories that our agency has helped people tell over the years—here are a few others...

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