Why ESG Matters for Business: Insights from Fortune's Geoff Colvin

Gail Davis, 27 June 2023

As business leaders face their biggest challenges, Geoff Colvin is the voice of experience providing valuable insights and best practices for organizations on prioritizing ESG.

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The Message of Hope that Supersedes Media Clickbait

Gail Davis, 16 May 2023

As the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 rescue is already in full swing, there is lots of exciting content and news surfacing in the media. Gail Davis provides clarity to help you navigate the media buzz and focus on the truth and beauty of the stories of the 15 survivors.

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Adding Value with Emcees & Moderators

Gail Davis, 25 April 2023

Add value to your next event with a host who is as equally engaging as they are energizing. Gail Davis shares what makes an ideal event host along with GDA's top picks of emcees and moderators.

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Women Bred, Women Led

Gail Davis, 16 March 2023

Women bred, women led. Gail Davis reflects on the female mentors who have left a lasting impact on her and the way she leads GDA Speakers.

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Buyer's Remorse: Signs & Solutions

Gail Davis, 23 February 2023

Buyer’s remorse happens to the best of us. Gail Davis shares the top four signs of buyer's remorse in speaker selection along with possible solutions.

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Dear Celebrity...

Gail Davis, 24 January 2023

Ever wish you could cut out the middleman and make a direct request to a speaker or celebrity? Gail Davis provides insights on tackling the issues that come with investing in booking a big name celebrity.

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