You need a good moderator/host for your event. Here's why.

Gail Davis, 17 June 2020

When organizing a live event, you know the importance of having a host. He or she could be a professional emcee, an executive from your company or a non-profile speaker like a local newscaster. Regardless, the role of a host is crucial so your event stays on schedule. 


So as a reminder, don’t forget this critical role when planning virtual events. If anything, having a host becomes even more important. A virtual host or moderator can welcome participants, provide the outline of the event, introduce speakers and handle questions and answers sessions for a panel or an individual speaker. 


With that said, here are a few considerations to keep in mind:
1. Do you want to utilize a chat feature?
2. Should you have all questions submitted in advance?
3. Do you need a live question and answer portion? Your platform may allow for participants to “raise his or her hand” for moderators. 
4. Do participants need to interact with the speaker or moderator by also streaming video?


Please remember, GDA Speakers can be a resource for technical guidance. Our goal is to make your day worry-free. Our team has executed many virtual presentations, and we’ve got them down pat. Firstly, a member of our team is designated to communicate with the speaker. Then another person handles the platform and manages screen share. Finally, we always have a third team member on the call who has videos and/or slides, just in case the internet goes down.


While you may think virtual is easier, it can be just as stressful, and we make sure your virtual presentation comes off without a hitch.