Celebrating 10 Years of Inspiration

Gail Davis, 20 April 2009

I am thankful for our incredible clients. That they trust us, and most of all, are loyal, supportive and encouraging. I have learned more from each of you than you know!

I am thankful to my boys. For believing in me, and now, for allowing me to believe in you. Watching both of you over these past few years step out on your own is a true joy.

GDA SpeakersI am thankful for our team. As much as I try to express my "thank you’s" on a daily basis, I would not be here without each of you. What each of your bring to the table is immeasurable.

I am exceedingly thankful that one decade later I never once regretted the decision to follow my passion, to trust my instincts, to listen to my heart. I guess that's one of the keys to life - just follow your passion and the profit will come.
