Women's Health & Issues Keynote Speakers

Browse Women's Health & Issues Speakers

Women's empowerment and Health Issues keynote speakers focus on setting the stage for women to make and act on choices. These keynote speakers do not back away from embracing, protecting, nurturing and devoting time, research, and commitment to women to thrive and build a brighter future. GDA Speakers can help your group find the perfect speaker in business, science, healthcare or the arts.

Keynotes: 5 Books: 3 Videos: 8

Carla Harris Featured

Vice Chairman, Managing Director, and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley

Carla Harris is a Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley and best-selling author. As one of the Top 40 Female Speakers in the World, Carla engages leaders around the world with how to maximize success by using “hard earned and hard learned” lessons from her Wall Street Career.

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Keynotes: 6 Books: 1 Videos: 4

Janine Latus Featured

Speaker on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Her NYT bestseller, If I Am Missing or Dead, is both a love letter to her sister and a call to break the cycle of abuse. Her talks are built on their story, and full of practical action items that help listeners save lives -- maybe even their own.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 3 Videos: 7

Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D. Featured

Acclaimed Clinical Psychologist & Coach; Author of Get Out of The Red Zone; Positive Psychology Expert

Success starts from within. Whether you want to have a healthy body, booming business, or flourishing relationships, the first step is to rewire your brain and cultivate your peak mindset. Dr. Lombardo teaches practical skills to make lasting transformations in your life.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 4 Videos: 20

Leslie Morgan Steiner Featured

New York Times Best-Selling Author; Columnist for The Washington Post; Former Corporate Executive; Domestic Violence Survivor

Leslie Morgan Steiner is a master of engaging men and women in today's most important women's leadership issues -- parenthood, relationships, and work/family balance.

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Keynotes: 19 Books: 5 Videos: 3

Jessica O'Reilly Featured

Sex and Relationship Expert

Jess has worked with thousands of couples from all corners of the globe to transform their relationships via her wildly successful Marriage As A Business program.

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Keynotes: 10 Books: 2 Videos: 10

Carly Pollack Featured

Owner of Nutritional Wisdom, Author of Feed Your Soul, Functional Nutrition Practitioner

There are countless diets and 30-day challenges geared to help people lose weight, heal digestion, and feel more energy. Yet, these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. Carly blends an understanding of body science, brain wiring, and self-development to facilitate real and permanent change.


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Keynotes: 1 Books: 2 Videos: 1

Miki Agrawal

Social Entrepreneur and Disruption Expert

Miki Agrawal is a social entrepreneur known for breaking taboos and disrupting the status quo. She co-founded THINX, a high-tech, period-proof underwear brand. She most recently founded TUSHY, a company that is revolutionizing the American toilet category. 

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 1 Videos: 4

Minaa B.

Licensed Social Worker; Mental Health Educator; Author of Owning Our Struggles

Minaa B. is a licensed social worker who works with organizations to help them develop psychological safety and become inclusive of mental health through keynote talks, workshops and training sessions.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 3 Videos: 3

Dr. Michael Breus

The Sleep Doctor

Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., is a double board-certified Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Sleep Specialist. He is one of only 168 psychologists in the world to have taken and passed the Sleep Medicine Boards without going to Medical School.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 3 Videos: 5

Joan Brock

Author of More Than Meets the Eye

Joan shares her inspiring story of the sudden loss of her sight then the loss of her husband to cancer. Joan will captivate your audience while sharing the importance of making positive and productive choices in this world of change and challenge.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 4 Videos: 4

Maddy Dychtwald

National Authority on Women, Aging, & Marketplace Trends

Maddy Dychtwald is a national bestselling author and leading expert on the changing demographic trends shaping the marketplace, the workplace, and our lives. She has emerged as an authority on the economic ascent and well-being of women and its impact on industries, including financial services, healthcare, and consumer marketing.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Cindy Eckert (formerly Whitehead)

CEO and Founder of Sprout Pharmaceuticals & The Pink Ceiling

Cindy Eckert is an expert Entrepreneur and Angel Investor with total exits over $1.5 Billion. After selling her pharmaceutical company, Cindy launched the The Pink Ceiling business incubator for women led or women focused businesses.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 2 Videos: 1

Carol Frohlinger

Author, Trainer, Consultant, Advancing Women

Co-author of Her Place at the Table and Nice Girls Just Don’t Get It, Carol Frohlinger is an internationally known speaker on the ways women can negotiate with authenticity to achieve their maximum personal and professional potential.

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Keynotes: 2 Books: 1 Videos: 2

Nely Galán,

Former President of Entertainment of Telemundo; NYT Best-Selling Author of Self Made Media Entrepreneur; Host of MoneyMaker Podcast

Latina media dynamo and women’s empowerment advocate Nely Galán, dubbed the “Tropical Tycoon” by The New York Times Magazine, is one of the entertainment industry’s savviest firebrand talents. SELF MADE is an evolutionary shift for women around the world; a new kind of identity.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 3 Videos: 6

Heidi Hanna, PhD

Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Consultant on Stress Mastery, Brain Based Health and Performance

Dr. Hanna provides a grounded, realistic approach to integrative neuroscience, teaching and facilitating dynamic and engaging conversations about all things related to making brains work better. She can also assist with programming to energize your meeting through workouts, nutrition planning and meditation breaks.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 3 Videos: 2

Dr. Jackson Katz

World-Leading Educator, Author, and Gender Violence Prevention Scholar-Activist

Jackson Katz, Ph.D., is an educator, author, and scholar-activist who is one of the world's leading male voices for gender equity and gender violence prevention. He has an impressive record of success in reaching men on the sensitive subjects of sexist bias and abuse.

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Keynotes: 1 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Jan Langbein

CEO and Founder - Genesis Women's Shelter and Support

For 28 years, Jan Edgar Langbein has been an activist in efforts to end violence against
women. Currently, as CEO of Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support, Ms. Langbein
 oversees Genesis’ internal and external operations as well as funding and community

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 1 Videos: 11

Chaunté Lowe

Motivational Olympic Medalist, American Record Holder, Honor Student, and Breast Cancer Survivor

If there’s an art to overcoming obstacles, Chaunte Lowe takes the gold. The world-renowned high jumper lives to conquer barriers, racking up 4 Olympic games appearances, 3 global championship medals, 3 American records. She achieved most of these accomplishments while also holding the title of “mother of three.”

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 10 Videos: 6

Joan Lunden

Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist and Women's Health Advocate

An award-winning journalist, bestselling author, motivational speaker, and women's health & wellness advocate, Joan Lunden has been a trusted voice in American homes for more than 30 years. Lunden continues to be one of America’s most recognized, trusted personalities and a sought after speaker throughout the country.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 1 Videos: 1

Shannon Miller

7-Time Olympic Medalist and Cancer Survivor

With 7 Olympic medals, Shannon Miller remains the Most Decorated Olympic Gymnast in American History. Through her Olympic experience and personal cancer diagnosis, Shannon explains ways to get The Gold Medal Mindset so anyone can overcome even the most difficult obstacles standing in the way success.

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Keynotes: 0 Books: 1 Videos: 4

Pat Mitchell

Media Executive, Producer, Curator

As a connector, curator, convener, Pat Mitchell elevates women’s stories, ideas and leadership, leveraging her groundbreaking career in media to create opportunities for women and girls to engage with their passions, purpose and power. She is the author of Becoming a Dangerous Woman: Embracing Risk to Change the World.

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