Business Advice From a Veteran

Gail Davis, 21 November 2014

As I listened to Eric’s response, I thought, Wow, this mindset is perfectly applicable to executives and businesses facing situations in which the odds seem stacked against them or the company.

Eric breaks it down into three key steps that I now embrace in my business:

1. Step Back and Dissect: This may be the first step but Eric considers it the most important and essential to turn-around a situation. After arriving in Iraq, Eric decided that he wanted to understand why interrogation is only effective four percent of the time. Instead of conforming to the Army’s traditional training he carefully studied the other interrogators and prisoners. Eric observed that prisoners are more likely to open up when you meet their basic needs.

In a business situation, taking this same approach to step back and look at the situation objectively from all perspectives is key to gain the awareness to breakout and breakthrough.

2. Identify New Tactics: One of my favorite phases Eric says is “Don’t just think out of the box, live outside the box.” Identifying new tactics to solve a problem is more than just a quick brainstorming session. It takes a commitment to look at things you have never done before and evaluate them all as a potential solution, even if it unprecedented.

3. Move into Action: Finally, Eric advises the only way to make a sustainable impact is to follow through with the newly identified tactics and be consistent. Change often does not happen overnight and requires a consistent commitment to shift the status quo.

Veterans Day may only be on the calendar one day a year, but we can appreciate and learn from our veterans every day of the year. I am incredibly blessed to know some of our countries most amazing and distinguished veterans who share their stories to help leaders and companies enhance performance.

If you learned a lesson from a veteran, I would love to hear it.

Gail Davis is Founder and President of GDA Speakers, working with speakers and organizations to create the ultimate customer experience.

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