Gail Davis, 09 August 2010
One of the strongest influences in my business development has been through my involvement with the International Association of Speakers Bureaus (IASB). Our association is very collegial and supportive. Much like real estate industry, agents often work together to meet the needs of our clients. My ability to deliver the absolute, perfect speaker for my clients is hinged on the successful partnerships I have formed with other speakers bureaus who are members of IASB.
Similarly, speakers have an association called the National Speakers Association (NSA) . I have long been a fan of this large and supportive association that is committed to excellence in the speaking industry. A few weeks ago, the IASB board held their summer board meeting in Orlando in conjunction with the NSA convention. This was a very strategic move that speaks to both associations commitment to partnerships. While at the board meeting, I was also able to serve on a panel with two colleagues from other bureaus. Our audience was a room full of speakers. The dialogue was on how we can all work together more effectively to ultimately serve our common customer.
I attended the Awards Banquet at NSA and watched while five new speakers were inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. The 2010 honorees were Captain Charlie Plumb, Bill Cates, Steve Spangler, Mary LoVerde, The Passing Zone: Jon Wee, CPAE and Owen Morse. It is a super impressive group of speakers who I have had the pleasure of being in the audience of many. I was so happy to see the Passing Zone receive this honor. Talk about partnership, Owen and John have been partners for over 20 years.
Today, I am grateful and I celebrate the partnerships that support my life and business.