Rocky Garza Challenger; Truth-Teller; Belief Creator; Entrepreneur; Business Consultant

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Select Keynotes

  • You Discovering You: Finding Yourself in the Upside Down
  • The Imposter Within: Exposing Lies & Discovering Truth
  • The Pursuit of the Present
  • Identity Mapping - Eight Hour Intensive Session

Select Book Titles

  • 2021 Be Confident: A Pocket Guide to Killing Doubt and Building Conviction

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Rocky Garza is extremely good at one thing, helping individuals see the clearest picture of themselves that they’ve ever seen. Clarity about who you are, what you do, and why you do it makes you a better employee, friend, parent, and spouse. How much more focused would you be at your job if you were acutely aware of what your strengths are and how to utilize them best? How much more sure would you feel about making big life decisions knowing that your core values aligned with your choice? Answers to questions like these are what you find working with Rocky.

Currently, Rocky is putting in real-time application of his skills, knowledge, and experience to work in his role as COO of a private, financial firm. After graduating with a communications degree from Texas A&M University, Rocky has helped thousands of individuals find their clarity while serving as the director of a youth camp, on the pastoral staff at church, owning and operating multiple creative businesses, and even most recently as an executive identity coach and top business consultant. Since 2015, Rocky has challenged 100,000 people from the stage, consulted over 100 independent businesses, and currently individually coaches a small group of 12 people per year.

In all of his roles, Rocky has had one goal, to challenge the stories we tell ourselves so that we can experience the freedom and confidence of living vulnerably. Clarity, transformation, freedom—that's why Rocky does what he does. That’s why every one of his coaching sessions, workshops, and keynotes can be boiled down to one simple truth: who you are is good.

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