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Finnian Kelly Intentionality Expert

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Select Videos

  • Finnian Kelly Speaker Reel

    From companies and organizations, to relationships and individuals, negative belief loops undermine human potential and ultimately leave us feeling disempowered and unfulfilled. An internationally renowned speaker, seasoned leadership expert and author Finnian Kelly makes the case for Intentionality, a transformational methodology and set of principles designed to help people break the cycles of self sabotage and harness the power of the present.

  • EO Detroit Chapter Event

    Testimonial for Finnian Kelly Chapter Event May, 2023

  • EO Nicaragua Intentionality Mini-Documentary

    Witness the transformations that happened at this interactive event with Finnian Kelly in July 2021. After learning the 7 principles of Intentionality, participants went on a breathwork journey and found their way back to their True Nature.

  • EO Durban Mini-Documentary with Finnian Kelly

    A sold out and highest rated EO event with Finnian featuring immersive breathwork and his personal transformation tools for a life of Intentionality - EO Durban 2020.