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Ryan Estis Featured Bestselling Author, Founding Partner ImpactEleven, Former Fortune 500 Chief Revenue Officer and Globally Recognized Sales and Leadership Expert

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Select Keynotes

  • Sell for Impact: Delivering Value & Winning Customers in the New Economy
  • Human Centered Leadership: Leading High Performance Teams in a Forever Changed World
  • Adapt & Thrive: Leverage Change and Transformation as a Catalyst for Growth
  • The Art of Standing Out: Leveraging Remarkable Experiences and Experimentation to Create Brand Evangelism
  • Unleash Your Inner Superhero: Embrace Human Centered Growth
  • Leadership Communication & Presentation Skills

Select Book Titles

  • 2024 Prepare for Impact: Driving Growth and Serving Others through the Principles of Human-Centered Leadership

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Ryan Estis is a sales and leadership expert at the forefront of the human-centered growth movement transforming the way we work, lead, and live so individuals and organizations can achieve sustainable success.

He’s a bestselling author and Founding Partner of ImpactEleven, a hyper-growth enterprise that embodies the human-centered movement and delivered a 500% increase in growth and a 1300% increase in shareholder value with a 90% client retention rate over the last two years.

Ryan has spent his career in the trenches building high-performance teams and a client roster of category-leading brands. As a strategic advisor and former Fortune 500 CRO, he understands that the key to meaningful results lies in elevating people to their highest potential.

Ryan empowers individuals and organizations to leverage change as a catalyst for growth and maximize their impact by embracing a human-centered approach to sales, leadership, and life.

His expertise transcends industry boundaries, making him a trusted advisor to companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500 giants including Mayo Clinic, Mastercard, The NBA, Pfizer, IBM, Deloitte, McKesson, CVS and State Farm Insurance.

His work and writing have been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Inc and Entrepreneur magazines. Meetings & Conventions Magazine recently recognized him as “one of the best keynote speakers ever seen or heard.”

Leadership Communication & Presentation Skills: Persuasive communication, influence, storytelling, and presentation skills are the most critical, yet least developed, leadership capability in business today. As a Founding Partner of ImpactEleven, Ryan works directly with leaders and high potential employees on Presentation Mastery where participants walk away confident and prepared for their own high stakes moments - speaking at a big event, inspiring their team at an all-hands meeting, influencing a key client, and the countless other opportunities to motivate and inspire others. Programming is delivered through custom workshops for your company or group, through private one-on-one coaching, or at ImpactEleven's ticketed event, The Academy.

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