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Lital Marom Serial Entrepreneur, Innovation Strategist and Visionary

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  • Keynote Speaker Lital Marom | RBC Sales Training Roadshow

    Creating Online Content with personal branding is about managing your name, your reputation. Even if you are not an entrepreneur, in a world of misinformation and semi-permanent Google records - YOU - are your own brand. Everything that you post online ultimately creates - your personal brand. Lital presents to national salesforce and inspire them to learn how to use more technology and social platforms to build and foster online brands.

  • How Banks Of The Future Will Run On Data, Speed, And Security - What are they doing to remain relevant?

    How Banks are Playing More of Personal Role (even if you don't have to go in). Even in the digital world, community and regional banks are challenged to feel as personal as they always have, while also taking on the fast, frictionless feel of fintech. The keys to their success will be smart use of customer data and insights.

  • Keynote Speaker Lital Marom: Exponential Technologies Shaping the Tourism Industry

    The tourism ecosystem delivers a whole wide range of on-demand services to consumers today, through digital innovation. The next step – is for organizations that are lagging behind – to change how they work, so that they could also capture the opportunities that digital transformation presents. We are in the midst of increasingly rapid and dramatic technological change, poised to revolutionize how and where we travel. There are tremendous opportunities for businesses to start experimenting with and implementing technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, voice technologies, IoT and etc.

  • Morse Code and the Future of Leadership | Lital Marom | TEDxAmsterdamED

    As we shift from a stable, linear economy to an innovative and dynamic one, we need a new definition of success, and a new approach to learning. Through examples of her own journey and her interesting, personal, and funny take on the business of hacking our world, Lital's talk explains the idea behind a hacker mindset in developing new young leaders. Lital Marom is a digital visionary, entrepreneur and strategist leading a new approach to learning and social change.

  • Keynote Speaker Lital Marom | RBC Sales Training Roadshow

    How do you reinvent yourself in the New Economy? How do you keep up with an accelerating changing world? In my keynote “Winning in the New Economy” I talk about new ways to successfully navigate the shifting economy of today and tomorrow. Actively approaching your future, architecting your future and not passively waiting for it to just happen to you.