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Galen Emanuele Featured Team Culture, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence Expert

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Select Keynotes

  • Shift Yes: Transform Your Teams With "Yes And"
  • Create & Establish Exceptional Company Culture
  • Designing a Culture of Feedback
  • Leading & Thriving Through Change
  • Delivering a “No” and Navigating Conflict
  • Improving Your Leadership Presence & Impact

Select Book Titles

  • 2017 The 'Yes, And' Manifesto - Free Download - his manifesto outlines what an exceptional “Yes, And” culture looks like on a day-to-day basis.

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Galen transforms the way teams and organizations approach and establish culture, and how humans perform together and impact each other at work. His unique content is full of actionable tools to massively improve team dynamics, communication, EQ, and generate high-level performance and engagement.

A highly sought-after international speaker, with clients including Microsoft, Safeway, and NASA, Galen is also a world-class improviser, having taught and performed improv for many years and toured with the cast from Whose Line Is It Anyway?

An authentic, captivating teacher and performer, Galen has a unique gift of cutting through the noise and fluffy language to translate broad concepts into simple, practical skills and mindsets. Developed over thousands of hours on stage working with audiences and teams, his profound truths and tangible takeaways permanently change the way humans show up in business and life.

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