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Galen Emanuele Featured Team Culture, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence Expert

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Select Articles

  • The 5 Tenets to Build a Culture of Feedback

    With so many teams and employees working remotely, the conversations about keeping remote employees engaged and motivated have come to the forefront. Building and maintaining team culture from afar is important, here are five ways companies and leaders can up their game and awareness.

  • 3 Easy Ways to Stop Micromanaging

    With many teams working remotely and leaders trying to navigate managing those teams and individuals, a topic that has come to the forefront is micromanaging. Micromanaging is a sign of incompetence; it's deflating and absurd. People don't need babysitting, they need leadership to set clear expectations, give them what they need to be successful, and then stay out of their way.

  • 5 Words That Will Level Up Your EQ

    As you navigate the waters of interacting with other people in your life, the more tools you have in your toolbox the more successful you will be. Much of your business and personal experiences and success rely largely on your ability to effectively deal with the dynamics and sticky situations that are a natural result of interacting with others; especially around communication and conflict. This is why emotional intelligence is so vital for leaders and teams.