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Michaela Guzy Award Winning Filmmaker, Travel and Human Connection Expert, Recovering Corp Exec, NYU Adjunct Professor, TV Personality

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  • Michaela's Talent Reel

    Michaela Guzy is the founder of OhThePeopleYouMeet focusing on people, places + purposes. Her award-winning series, “Michaela's Map”, curates local hosts including Dr. Jane Goodall. In response to COVID, she launched InspirationStation: with 120 episodes +over 8 million views on IGTV! On September 9, 2020, Michaela boarded a plane with a one-way ticket west to document the world reopening safely in her new viral video series, "Sleeping Around Safely." Michaela has appeared on multiple morning shows across the country sharing her sustainable and immersive travel tips, such as on: NBC, CBS NewYork, FOX St.Louis, PIX11 NewYork + Good Morning WashingtonDC

  • "What's Your Sustainable Travel IQ?"

    As the founder of OTPYM and Sustainable Travel Expert, I've been committed to doing my research in advance of my trips and trying to make the most sustainable and responsible decisions as it relates to my travel. I've crafted this fun quiz to determine your sustainable travel IQ and provided 5 of our original videos as clues. Each video showcases different pitfalls that even the very best intentioned travelers can walk right into. We all make mistakes, but it's up to you, to do your homework in advance and ask the right questions.

  • "What Do You Do, When There Isn't A Map"

    Michaela hits the global stage for TahitiTourisme to share her journey from CorpExec to award-winning filmmaker, travel+human connection expert and TV personality. Most of the waters this trailblazer has navigated in creating her company, OhThePeopleYouMeet focusing on People, Places + Purposes has been in unchartered territory, which leaves room for perceived failures to become innovative solutions. Michaela is going to share real life examples of + best practices pivots for pivots, remaining relevant, signs of recovery, evolving trends, marketing meaningfully through storytelling + branding yourself as an expert resource to turn to NOW.

  • "There's Never Been a Better Time to Sell Travel"

    This is a featured clip from my keynote presentation (Psychographic Travel Trends) for TravelEdge's annual “Limitless” conference. My words of encouragement to our industry are: “Our time is NOW!” I'm not saying it's not total chaos + yes, travel advisors have work 10x, but there's literally never been a better time to sell travel! I feel like we only scratched the surface - it's a great start + so much room for growth! There is Limitless potential for the travel industry + as we say at OhThePeopleYouMeet - so many PEOPLE, PLACES + PURPOSES to discover. Let's go!

  • CEO Fireside Chat

    An honor to keynote the TravelEdge annual Limitless conference and conduct a professional development session, “Storytelling + Creating Content for New Media Platforms” … a great start + so much room for growth! This video is from my fireside chat with the CEO, Michael Johnson. There is Limitless potential coming out of this conference for the travel industry as the world safely reopens!

  • Michaela on NBC California Live

    We've got news! Can you guess which country is safely reopening on December 1st? A hint: this tropical paradise is comprised of 333 islands + known for the “Bula Spirit”… It's Fiji + boy do they have some deals to take that trip of a lifetime with luxury hotels like Marriott Momi Bay, Intercontinental Fiji + ShangriLa Fiji, inclusive of airfare on Air Fiji, transfers + meals! Watch my segment for more! Pack a bag + journey on with me to Fiji this December, Michaela + the OTPYM traveling team

  • "Sleeping Around Safely: Cruising to Alaska"

    The energy onboard the first domestic cruise from the local folks in the ports we visited, the passengers and the crew was palpable! The only negatives were our pre-boarding test results. While to many this seems like a fun vacation, it's important to remember that 1 in 11 jobs across the globe are in the travel industry - which is the 10th largest GDP. In a place like Icy Straight Point, 90% of the adult population hold a job in tourism. You going on vacation could do a lot of small local communities a world of good right now.

  • OTPYM's InspirationStation: Episode 121

    I just couldn't handle the negative “news” anymore during those dark early days of the pandemic. I was craving reliable information, resources + innovations and inspiring interviews – which didn't exist. So rather than be engulfed in the chaos of misinformation, I created a visual podcast featuring only: REAL PEOPLE, REAL STORIES + REAL SOLUTIONS. You meet folks like the CEO of Six Senses Hotels, celebrity DJ – D-Nice and social entrepreneurs changing the world. 120 conversations, with over 8 million+ views spreading inspiration, not fear. Watch this episode!

  • "Michaela's Map: Los Cabos, Mexico"

    Hola! In this episode of "Michaela's Map: Los Cabos" we explore how to travel to places + the people to know so you can authentically immerse yourself. Join me as we set out to discover the Idyllic beaches, warm weather year-round, delicious local food, eco-chic hotels and epic adventure activities. You'll soon discover for yourself, there is no better place to immerse yourself than where the desert meets the sea. I've switched the storytelling narrative from host to curator, to empower the local experts to share their home with you. Pack a bag + journey on with me, Michaela