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- Artificial Intelligence
- Change Management / Organizational Change
- Disruption
- Futurists / Trends
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John Sanei Global Futurist; Bestselling Author; Keynote Speaker on Human-A.I. Dynamics
John specializes in preparing leaders, decision-makers, and high-performing individuals for the future, helping them navigate the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead.
In the past, understanding the top trends in a sector was sufficient, but now, in today’s fast-paced world, teams need to do more than predict what’s to come. Businesses and the individuals involved in execution and output need to do more than stay ahead of trends—they need to be the trendsetters and innovate in totally new ways.
To stay relevant, organizations need to foster adaptable leadership teams, develop agile organizational structures, and nurture individuals who can unlearn, relearn, and embrace the ever-evolving landscape.
This task is more significant than people realize—it requires a genuine brain rewiring to perceive new possibilities and embrace change. Through his keynotes, and workshops John will guide your executives, and organization along this tumultuous, and thrilling journey.
Drawing from neuroscience, psychology, business strategy, and futurism, he empowers decision-makers and leaders to prepare for all eventualities beyond the current popular trends that often dominate the conversation.
Get in touch with John to embark on the journey towards future preparation—focusing not just on the what but on the how of building resilience and adaptability.
John Sanei, doesn't just anticipate the future—he helps leaders create it!