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Jamie Metzl Featured Technology and Healthcare Futurist, Global Affairs Specialist, Science Fiction Novelist, and Genetic Engineering Expert

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Jamie's fabulous presentation on genetic engineering – past, present and future -- was at once thought provoking, inspiring, frightening and enlightening. It was simply the best presentation I ever have heard in all my 71 years. I look forward to the publication of Hacking Darwin and can't wait to get my hands on it.

David Parker - Board Member, Brown University Hillel

“A page-turning journey through space and time that shows us how our lives will be changed by imminent technological advances we once only dreamed of.”

David Sinclair, Professor of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, and author of Lifespan: Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To

“San Jose State thinks a great deal these days about how to approach healthcare studies with our students, how that interacts with technology and the humanities, and the complexity of programs we need to create that will allow us to think differently about our place in an ever changing world, as well as how we can have a positive impact. At our event, Jamie was exceptionally engaged with the students, and in both sessions before the lecture, everyone one came up with him afterwards to talk further with him. He offered thoughtful insights into these issues in an engaging, entertaining way that I know is going to generate a great deal of discussion and debate among our students and staff. He reminded us that the future is already here and we should engage with it actively and in the spirit of our values”

Dr. Mary A. Papazian, President, San Jose State University

"IVY hosts dozens of incredible lectures led by leading minds around the country each year, but I've never seen our members as engaged with the speaker and the subject matter as they were with Dr. Metzl. He captivated the room with the intricacies of the future of science and humanity. After the lecture members lingered for more than two hours discussing the implications of the future of genetic engineering and debating what, if anything, should be done about it."


“Provocative, challenging, wonderful, exciting and a bit scary are just a sampling of the reactions from the nearly 1500 attendees at Jamie Metzl's talks we hosted in advance of the debut of his book Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity. Jamie's fast pace and vast knowledge kept audiences of all ages and persuasions locked on.”

John Carney, CEO, Center for Practical Bioethics

We invited Jamie to give a keynote address to 500 doctors at a major medical convention. His brilliant talk simply blew people's minds and made them think differently about where medicine is heading and what that means for all of us. With tremendous thoughtfulness, energy, creativity, and skill, Jamie helped participants imagine how they might ride the wave of exponential change toward greater success rather than be crushed by it. The positive response was overwhelming. Jamie is a superstar.

Joshua Abram, Co-Founder and CEO, TMRW Life Sciences

“Jamie Metzl spoke to a captivated audience about a fascinating and complicated subject. Bio-engineering and its impact upon the future of mankind was the topic Dr. Metzl aptly articulated in an enthralling yet relatable style. From the start, he built a genuine rapport with the audience as he communicated so that each person understood as clearly as possible the subject matter. Jamie’s presentation was amazingly fluid and perfectly paced as he spoke effortlessly without notes or prompts. ‘Jamie is the best speaker we’ve ever had.’ ‘This event was a home run because of Jamie Metzl!’ ‘Jamie is engaging and smoothly breaks it down.’ These are just a few samples of the positive comments received from the audience after the presentation. Our community is excited about Jamie’s return for an encore!”

Kansas City Jewish Federation

- "If you can only read one book on the future of our species, this is it." - Sanjay Gupta - "a must-read book." - Siddhartha Mukherjee - "an outstanding guide to the most important conversation of our lives." - Ray Kurzweil - "an intellectual masterbatortium-at once stimulating and consummately satisfying." - Dan Buettner - "important and thought-provoking." - George Church - "a critical journey through opportunities and obstacles on humanity's greatest expedition: the exploration and re-imagining of what it means to be human." – Mayor Eric Garcetti - "essential reading if you want to understand what will be seen as the most important thing happening in this epoch." - Richard A. Clarke

Praise for Jamie's book Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity

“During the 25 years I have known Jamie Metzl, he has always been ahead of the curve. There is no one better to help us understand and prepare for the fast approaching technological revolutions. Superconvergence is brilliant. I can't recommend it more strongly.”

Sanjay Gupta MD, bestseller author, neurosurgeon, and Emmy-award winning chief medical correspondent (CNN)

“Jamie spoke to the senior most lay leadership of our non-partisan, nonprofit organization on U.S. foreign policy and, particularly, as it relates to the Asia Pacific region—a topic that is difficult to address, both because it is inherently complex and politically sensitive. Jamie overcame these challenges and adeptly and tactfully addressed the issues, giving historical context and his own perspective in a clear and effective manner. His breadth of knowledge is impressive. Jamie is very personable, and his intelligence, confidence and personal charm were extremely well received. Many people commented after his presentation and the ensuing discussion that he is one of the best speakers they have heard in a very long while—and this is a group that is accustomed to hearing many high-level speakers. We look forward to the next opportunity to host Jamie as a speaker again.”

Shira Loewenberg, Director, AJC Asia Pacific Institute (API)

“In Superconvergence, Jamie Metzl takes readers on a magical journey through the science of the intersecting genetics, biotech, and AI revolutions, deeply explores the implications, and challenges us to think creatively and proactively about what comes next. Very few books are absolute must-reads. This is one.”

Siddhartha Mukherjee, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and author of The Gene: An Intimate History

“Jamie was the closing keynote at our global CEO conference. He had an uncanny way tying together all of the themes from the previous sessions, into a masterful and thought provoking closing. No canned script, no death by PowerPoint, but an engaging, entertaining and intelligent talk worthy of our audience. Jamie's keynote had the energy and enthusiasm of a rock star, and left our audience wanting more. I would most certainly book Jamie again for another YPO event!”

Stephen Forte, President, Silicon Valley YPO

Select Client Feedback

Dr. Jamie Metzl spoke to a captivated audience about a fascinating and complicated subject. Bio-engineering and its impact upon the future of mankind was the topic Dr. Metzl aptly articulated in an enthralling yet relatable style. From the start, he built a genuine rapport with the audience as he communicated so that each person understood as clearly as possible the subject matter. Jamie’s presentation was amazingly fluid and perfectly paced as he spoke effortlessly without notes or prompts. “Jamie is the best speaker we’ve ever had.” “This event was a home run because of Jamie Metzl!” “Jamie is engaging and smoothly breaks it down.” These are just a few samples of the positive comments received from the audience after the presentation. Our community is excited about Jamie’s return for an encore!

Trudy Jacobson Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City

Jamie is a fantastic authority and resource on all things related to China. I hired Jamie as a panelist and keynote speaker in 2016 after hearing Jamie speak at an Atlantic Council event. He was extremely knowledgeable, flexible and a pleasure to work with on our event programming. I was particularly impressed by Jamie's presence and command of the topics and his ability to engage with the engage the audience in a meaningful way. Throughout our preparation, Jamie was always accessible and provided constructive ways to improve our program. Jamie is at the top of my list for my speaking engagements needs.

Terrence J. Richardson, Head of Corporate & Investment Bank Marketing HSBC Bank

Jamie Metzl is one of America's foremost experts on China. His captivating presentation at the Vail Symposium provided the story behind the headlines and walked deftly the audience through the amazing complexity of China's economic transition. The mark of a truly great speaker is being able to present a complicated topic in a way the audience can understand and absorb. Jamie's brilliant talk explained the difficult choices China's leaders face as they struggle to move their economy to a new development phase and maintain growth in extremely challenging circumstances. It's hard to imagine a better or more engaging speaker on China's economy, politics, and geopolitics than Jamie Metzl.

Attendee Vail Symposium