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Jamie Metzl Featured Technology and Healthcare Futurist, Global Affairs Specialist, Science Fiction Novelist, and Genetic Engineering Expert
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Hacking The Coronavirus With Jamie Metzl
Jamie Metzl discusses the pandemic, exploring the events that led to the outbreak, who is to blame, and what we can do to make this a productive time.
Jamie Metzl Sizzle Reel
2020 Sizzle Reel for Jamie Metzl.
Jamie Metzl Speaks with CNN's Paula Newton about the Crisis in Hong Kong
Jamie Metzl Speaks with CNN's Paula Newton about the Crisis in Hong Kong - August 12, 2019
Jamie Metzl Speaker Reel
Jamie delivers energizing, informative, and actionable keynotes that blow people's minds and drive meaningful outcomes worldwide. An innovative speaker, author of five important books, media commentator, international columnist, ultramarathoner, and go-to expert for many of the world's top brands and most influential leaders, Jamie explores the implications of the revolutionary technologies and geopolitical shifts transforming our world and helps individuals, companies, and governments ride the wave of radical change rather than be subsumed by it.
Are You Ready for the Genetic Revolution? | Jamie Metzl | TEDxPaloAlto
The future arrived last year: In 2018, a Chinese scientist genetically modified twin babies to be genetically superior. In February 2019, the World Health Organization expert advisory committee, developing global standards for the governance and oversight of human genome editing, appointed Jamie Metzl, a leading technology futurist, geopolitical expert and sci-fi novelist.
Jamie Metzl on the Future of Genetic Engineering
Author of “Hacking Darwin,” Jamie Metzl, warns genetic engineering threatens the very things that make us human and could descend into a new form of arms race. He discusses what's at stake with Hari Sreenivasan.
Hacking Life: The Sci & Sci-Fi of Immortality
Jamie discusses changing our evolution trajectory in this keynote. Traditionally, biology was fixed as as well as life span. But then, scientific revolutions started taking place with new capabilities to live longer and robust lives. Jamie offers up what is possible going forward. This video address medical care, nutrition, lifestyle as being big factors as Japan has an avg life span of 83.
Jamie Metzl discusses the Trump administration's China trade strategy with CNN's Richard Quest
Jamie Metzl discusses the Trump administration's China trade strategy with CNN's Richard Quest on September 13, 2018.
Hacking Darwin Talks at Google
Technology futurist, Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, and World Health Organization advisor Jamie Metzl discusses his new book, "Hacking Darwin," which explores the sociological and ethical implications of a rise in genetic engineering via preimplantation genetic diagnosis, gene editing, and in vitro fertilization.
Unlocking the Code of Life
Google Zeitgeist is a collection of talks by people who are changing the world. Hear entrepreneurs, CEOs, storytellers, scientists, and dreamers share their visions of how we can shape tomorrow.
Eternal Sonata: The Science, Science Fiction, and Bioethics of the Genetics Revolution
Discussion of the challenging ethical issues surrounding human genetic engineering and life extension. Futurist Ray Kurzweil calls Eternal Sonata “a brilliant exploration of the many challenges and opportunities our species will face as the exponential growth of real-world technology moves us toward immortality."