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Tony Brigmon Ambassador of FUN: Live and Virtual Presentations

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"EXACTLY ON POINT AND HE DELIVERED 100%." ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- We were looking for someone who could provide tools to enable people to grow personally and professionally. I had seen Tony at a conference a few years ago and kept his information. After determining the goals and outcomes wanted for our retreat, I looked through my files for an appropriate speaker and came across Tony's information. I wanted my group to become energized and enthusiastic and with Tony at the helm, that happened. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Tony has a way of connecting with people that makes them feel relaxed and willing to share. There in an interactive element to his presentation and the attendees had fun being part of his time. He is easy to talk to and comes across as a genuinely nice person. He has many funny stories to tell and a lesson attached to each one. The focus of his time was exactly on point, and he delivered 100%. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him for anyone seeking a professional that will engage and motivate the attendees. ---------- He was a breeze to work with and made my job as an event professional that much easier. With someone like Tony on board, you can't help but look good!

Bobbie Connolly, Prairie Health Ventures Meeting Planner

``I walked away with more 'gold' than I could have ever expected. This presentation will stick with me and everyone who attended for years to come.`` ---------- We wanted a positive and engaging keynote speaker and WOW did Tony knock it out of the park!! ---------- I couldn't be happier with Tony's presentation. He delivered FAR above what he promised. He promised FUN, and he delivered FUN, lots of laughs, a few tears, depth, engagement, insight, wisdom, emotion, and even friendship. ---------- On a personal note, Tony and I sat down prior to the event for some final planning and I walked away with more “gold” than I could have ever expected. This presentation will stick with me and everyone who attended for years to come. ---------- Anyone considering bringing Tony Brigmon in should know that they will get a seasoned professional that will establish rapport in a matter of seconds and carry that through to the very end and beyond. ---------- They should also know that Tony bridges all possible divides, age, race, gender, background, and experience. Our event was a hybrid of in-person and virtual. Tony engaged those who weren't even in the room with the same exhaustless energy that he gave to everyone in front of him. ---------- Randall Chase, Executive Director, Cedar Hill Texas Chamber Of Commerce

Cedar Hill Texas Chamber Of Commerce IGNITE Business Conference

"Perfect opening general session speaker, setting the tone for a great event and giving people practical tips." ---------- Organization: Independent Bankers Association of Texas. ---------- The purpose of our meeting: ---------- This meeting is primarily focused on helping connect bankers with new technology vendors, and helping them build strategies for success in their institutions. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- We were looking for an engaging and high energy speaker that could launch the conference and set the right tone for the days ahead. We wanted people to feel good and be ready to connect with one another. Tony ABSOLUTELY helped us accomplish this. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Tony was a joy to work with. He made the audience smile, laugh, and engage. Tony was the perfect opening general session speaker, setting the tone for a great event and giving people practical tips for increasing fun in meetings and at work.

Christopher Williston, Independent Bankers Association of Texas

"DID YOU EVER TRY AND REACH A GROUP OF ENGINEERS AND GET THEM TO PROVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE? TONY GOT THEM ON BOARD." ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- Our situation was that we were rolling out a new initiative relating to customer service. As the leader of the team responsible for the rollout and full implementation, I knew we did not have a good program planned. Something was missing. I spoke with one of the team members and expressed my concern, and she indicated that she had heard this great speaker at a conference who was the Ambassador of Fun for Southwest Airlines. Their service is legendary and I made a decision on the spot to try to book Tony for our meeting. ---------- What We Got: ---------- What we got was what we expected and more. Did you ever try and reach a group of engineers and get them to provide customer service? Tony got them on board. His comments were right on target, and they were delivered with passion, humor and heart. He hit virtually every employee through their thought process, through their heart and now our folks are delivering with their hands. Great job of aligning the head, the heart and the hands. ---------- P.S. Tony, once again, wow! Great job. You hit a grand slam.

Clayton Fitzhugh, Meeting Planner, Freese & Nichols, Inc. (Engineering Firm), Fort Worth, TX

"FOR THE FIRST TIME, I WASN'T DISAPPOINTED IN A 'MOTIVATIONAL' SPEAKER WE'VE HAD!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- Our department was looking for a speaker to address the unit on Influence Management, using humor! I had heard Tony at the CASE conference in San Diego and thought his style of mixing humor with real world experiences was perfect to meet our needs. ---------- What We Got: ---------- Tony brought everything we needed to the table and then some. He is a bright, energetic, g-rated humorist that added life back to our unit. Here's some of the other feedback I received from our staff: ---------- "I just wanted to thank you for inviting Tony Brigmon in to talk to the Advancement team (and Tom for supporting this effort). Tony was engaging, funny, upbeat and inspiring -- quite a winning combination. Moreover, I really liked his message(s) and hope that I can practice at least some of what he preaches." ---------- "A number of people have commented to me on just how much they enjoyed hearing Tony speak. Thanks again for the timely Tony tonic!" ---------- "Tony Brigmon was just great. His upbeat attitude, the simplicity and repetitiveness of his points, the music (of course, if I had known I would have brought my instruments), and his pleasant demeanor made this a terrific day for everyone. I thought it was just wonderful." ---------- "Training is sometimes about skill based things, and more often, should be about these simple attitude and relationship things. Wonderful choice. I am so glad you found him for us." - Vice Chancellor Moebus ---------- "I just wanted to let you know how much we all enjoyed having Tony speak to us. I was telling Debbie that, for the first time, I wasn't disappointed in a 'motivational' speaker we've had. I mean we have had some excellent guest speakers in the past, but no one has seemed to be able to truly connect with all of the staff like Tony did. He really gave me a lot to think about. I could go on and on, but I just wanted to say thanks."

Debbie Finster, University Advancement, University of California, Irvine

"IT WAS AS IF HE HAD WORKED IN OUR INDUSTRY ALL HIS LIFE BECAUSE HE KNEW OF OUR PARTICULAR CHALLENGES AND USED HIS MATERIAL TO SOLVE/ADDRESS THEM." ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- We chose Tony Brigmon because he was highly recommended by other state and regional publishing associations. We heard he was fun, motivating, and engaging. We wanted a person to kick off our conference with a bang. What We Got: ---------- What we got was a fun, professional speaker that had the group literally on the edge of their seats for the entire program. Tony did a wonderful job of tailoring his program to the needs of our organization. It was as if he had worked in our industry all his life because he knew of our particular challenges and used his material to solve/address them. The best way to tell how much impact a speaker has on a conference is to listen to the "buzz" after. The feedback we received from our conference attendees was all positive. They enjoyed his style, his humor, and his engaging methods of keeping us involved in his presentation. We look forward to having Tony back again. We put our evaluation in a package that goes to all publishing associations on a yearly basis. We will give Tony a very positive review. ---------- P.S. Tony, great job! Thanks for setting a high note that carried our conference through to the very end! You were great.

Douglas Fry, Southeastern Advertising Publishers Association (SAPA), Columbia, TN

"GOT EVERYTHING WE ASKED FOR AND MORE!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- Accelerated Development Systems, Inc. has as its focus the reduction of human error through the behavior based safety process. At our annual User's Conference we bring in clients who are engaged in our process. The people who attend our conference are a mixture of hourly employees, middle and upper management, and support personnel. ---------- At our first conference we had Tony deliver the opening motivational speech that set the tone for our training effort. He was exceptionally productive in his efforts and very well-received by all present. ---------- For our second conference we needed someone who could open the conference with a motivational, yet instructive format to get participants engaged and ready for new training concepts. ---------- In addition, we were looking for this same person to summarize the training concepts presented, and open the doors to the excitement and energy needed to continue the momentum established by the conference. Once again, we called on Tony. ---------- What We Got: ---------- We got everything we asked for and more. Tony is the type of person who engages his audience in such a way that they immediately become involved, and easily incorporated the positive feelings that are so much a part of his personality and presentation. ---------- Participants stop asking "Why can't we get our coworkers involved?" and start to understand "How we can engage them through positive and productive interactions. ---------- We continue to hear compliments on Tony's presentations as we visit our client sites. Tony truly offers more than a momentary "emotional hype." ---------- He's a wonderful teacher and his inspirational message is understandable and transferable in the field. He has given a great deal to our organization, and we are appreciative and grateful to him.

Dr. Michael S. Haro, Accelerated Development Systems, Houston Texas

“Despite being virtual, Tony fully engaged the audience and got them laughing and learning.” - Rachael Gillette, Chief Leadership Development Officer, RGILLETTE@STUDERI.ORG ---------- “Tony knocked it out of the park. He was funny, inspiring and knowledgeable.” - Morgan Milbradt, Training and Marketing Coordinator, Studer Community Institute, ---------- “It was fantastic in every way. You have set bar so high for future keynotes we invite.” - Lewis Garvin, Airport Marketing Manager, Pensacola International Airport, ---------- “Engaging, lively and knowledgeable. Entertaining keynote. We have received such positive feedback from his session.” - Quint Studer, Founder, Studer Community Institute,

EntreCon 2020 Business and Leadership Virtual Conference

"Dynamic, energetic, fun and purposeful." ---------- The purpose of our conference: We hosted a national sales meeting for our entire commercial team to provide the knowledge, tools and inspiration they need to achieve sales goals. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- Someone who could inspire our newly integrated sales teams. We were bringing three different sales teams together for the first time ever! We wanted to communicate to them to embrace change, be productive -- all while having fun and enjoying their job. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- We got a BIG Win! Tony completely lifted the spirits of everyone in the room! Change can be difficult. Our team left inspired and encouraged and walked away with a few nuggets to immediately implement. ---------- I would definitely enlist Tony to be part of your event. He is dynamic, energetic, fun, and purposeful. He has the innate ability to draw people out of their comfort zone. Our team truly benefited from Tony's expertise -- He set the tone for our meeting!

Janelle Worley , Isto Biologics

"ALWAYS WELL BEYOND WHAT WE ASK. TONY IS NUMBER 1 IN MY BOOK!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- Tony has spoken to us before. We had the best response on enjoyment of the meeting that we have ever had. Bringing Tony back was based upon the fact that a lot of tragedy has occurred in the recent past. We felt the people needed a good laugh that taught us a little about incorporating fun into our work. Tony was the obvious choice to accomplish this. ---------- What We Got: ---------- As I "expected", Tony exceeded our expectations. His ability to get the audience involved, have a good time, get his message clearly across to everyone, and satisfy our needs is always well beyond what we ask. And I know he can do it, which is why I asked to have him back! He is absolutely fantastic! And a pretty darn good singer, too! ---------- I only wish more organizations would have him in to show that humor is essential in the well-being of the organization; it is a win-win situation. Tony is number 1 in my book.

Janet Morris, United Space Alliance National Management Association, Houston Chapter, Houston

"PROVIDED A VERY REAL, VERY MEANINGFUL MESSAGE OF SELFLESS, PASSIONATE SERVICE AND RESPECT TO OTHERS." ---------- Conference on Student Government Organizations (COSGA) at the Memorial Student Center at Texas A&M University at College Station. Student government delegates from colleges across the country. They are all student body presidents, student senators, student organization directors and, generally, leaders across their respective campuses. ---------- The purpose of our meeting/event/conference: To equip student leaders from across the country with the tools and desire to implement immediate, achievable steps necessary to meet goals that they are passionate about. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- Someone who could relate to students while motivating them to serve beyond the immediate - someone who could inspire them to maintain their passion in the long run. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Tony was energetic, entertaining, light-hearted and, most importantly of all, provided a very real, very meaningful message of selfless, passionate service and respect to others. He was comedic and insightful simultaneously, an infectious and rare combination.

Joe Wallace, Programming Executive, Conference on Student Government Organizations

"HE WAS THE FAVORED SPEAKER AT OUR CONFERENCE!" ---------- Our conference is held every other year to bring our agents new and updated information about the changes in our industry. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- We like to have speakers with valuable and uplifting information, both about our industry and about making positive changes in ourselves and our companies. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Exactly what we wanted! Tony was engaging, uplifting, and our agents and staff were able to take away some simple things they can do to have a more positive outlook and impact on our businesses and industry, and life as a whole. ---------- I would absolutely recommend Tony to any organization who wants to provide ideas on how to make things more positive and have fun while facing challenges. Tony was great and just what we all needed!! He was the favored speaker at our conference!

Julie Murphy, Alliant National Title Insurance

"NONE HAVE LEFT ME WITH SUCH A SENSE OF UPLIFT, HAPPINESS, AND EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE 'GREAT' AS TONY BRIGMON!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- As Executive Director of the Sales and Marketing Association of Los Angeles, I am responsible for providing speakers for our organization and had arranged for many speakers over the years to speak to our members. ---------- My challenge for this particular meeting was to find something *different*, something our attendees had NEVER seen before, yet something that would really leave them feeling uplifted and energized. That's what we wanted. ---------- What We Got: ---------- I have heard many 'motivational' speakers during the past 36 years of serving as Executive Director of SME, but none have left me with such a sense of uplift, happiness, and everything is going to be 'great' as Tony Brigmon.

Lew Butterfield, Sales & Marketing Association, Los Angeles, California

"UNDERLYING MESSAGING OF SOUND PRINCIPLES PUT HIM IN A CLASS ABOVE OTHER PRESENTERS ON THE PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING CIRCUIT!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- Our Challenge: Rollout of a new Customer Service program. Over the last five years our company embarked on various efforts to add meaning and impact behind our corporate commitment to customer service. A totally new and much more substantial program with "teeth" for ongoing performance management and compensation impact was the purpose behind our Feb 2001 meeting. ---------- Following the program overview (and a funny but memorable in house video production), Tony Brigmon came on as the keynote speaker to close the all hands meeting attended by 250 people in person and another 100 by web cast. ---------- What We Got: ---------- Tony's delivery was both captivating and on target in reinforcing key themes of our Customer Service program launch. His humor, timing and delivery put him on par with the very best of entertainers, but it is the underlying messaging of sound principles that put him in a class above other presenters on the professional speaking circuit. ---------- Tony's engaging style had everyone in rapt attention as we all participated in audience exercises which reinforced the key themes behind our Customer Service program. It remains a much talked about and not soon to be forgotten stimulus in the launching of this critical company initiative.

Martin Babinec, CEO/Founder, TriNet Group, San Leandro, CA

"TONY'S KEYNOTE AND USE OF MUSIC REALLY PUT EVERYONE IN AN UPBEAT AND RECEPTIVE MOOD!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- The group was the IT Delivery Services US Extended Leadership Team. The theme was taking ITDS to the next level and the changes/challenges around working globally. I chose Tony because I had seen him before and thought he was great. ---------- What We Got: ---------- Expectations exceeded ... several people who spoke after Tony left referred back to his advice (e.g., don't make a decision when you are upset). Another person got up and sang a song as an intro to his talk. Tony's keynote and use of music really put everyone in an upbeat and receptive mood.

Nancy Malke, Shell Information Technology Delivery Services, Houston, TX

"TOUCHED OUR PEOPLE DEEPLY WITH PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY FOR REWIRING OUR BRAINS TO BE POSITIVE." ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- Someone who could equip our customers with tools to turn around upset clients in a positive and humorous way. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Someone who touched our people deeply with practical methodology for rewiring our brains to be positive. ---------- Recommend Tony? ABSOLUTLY!!! He is very entertaining -- even more, he delivers practical, easy to use tools to turn around a difficult customer service situation.

Robert Grubb, President/CEO, Alliant National Title Insurance

"TONY BRIGMON'S PROGRAM, BY FAR, HAS BEEN THE MOST TALKED ABOUT AND REMEMBERED!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- We had just spent considerable money to bring in two celebrity speakers to address our employees. My challenge for this meeting was how to follow up the success of these two speakers, and bring in someone at a fraction of the cost, who could still make a positive impact on our conference attendees. That's what we wanted. ---------- What We Got: ---------- I have brought in speakers from Dr. Steven Covey to Dr. Bob Arnot from CBS News, and Tony Brigmon's program, by far, has been the most talked about and remembered!

Robin G. Williams, St. Luke's Hospital, Houston, TX

"IF THERE WAS EVER A CASE OF 'UNDER PROMISE' AND 'OVER DELIVER' IT WAS TONY BRIGMON" ---------- The purpose of our conference: "Seismic Shifts" - Dealing with the ever-changing marketplace. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- A positive message of how to deal with difficult situations. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- We got more than what we wanted! If there was ever a case of "Under Promise" and "Over Deliver", it was Tony Brigmon. ---------- As a corporate executive and an elected State Representative, I've seen more than my fair share of speeches and presentations. ---------- Tony delivered materials that were custom tailored to fit our organization and created a "story" that was the perfect fit despite some challenging time constraints caused by other speakers who couldn't tell time. ---------- Tony was an EXEMPLARY speaker who captured the audience from the very beginning and didn't "lose" anyone during his presentation. In short, he is AWESOME, and I highly recommend him! ---------- Rodney Anderson, Senior Vice-President & Regional Agency Manager, Alliant National Title Insurance Company,

Rodney Anderson, Senior Vice-President & Regional Agency Manager, Alliant National Title Insurance Company

"WHAT WE GOT WAS MORE THAN WE ASKED FOR!!!" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- The Chamber Banquet committee wanted a fun light-hearted motivational speaker, and Tony was perfect. In the past our speakers have been a more serious note, and due to events in our country we felt a fun night to forget our troubles was in order. Thus, we chose the Ambassador of Fun, Tony Brigmon. ---------- What We Got: ---------- Tony was the speaker for our 77th Annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet. He was fabulous. The event was attended by over 700 people and everyone enjoyed the program. Tony was funny, entertaining, and made each of us laugh. The use of music also added to the program. Thanks to Tony, the Ambassador of Fun, our Banquet was a big success!!!!!!! ---------- What we got was more than we asked for!!! The event was great, and Tony's presentation was both entertaining and fun. I can without question recommend this program to any Chamber of Commerce or event planner wanting to present a meaningful but motivational and funny program. Thanks, Tony!!! ---------- P.S. Keep up the good work!!! Tony, you are the best!!!

Sherry Moore, Meeting Planner, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce, Sulphur Springs, TX

"All generations of our staff felt they learned from Tony and the energy in the room was night and day from our last workshop." ---------- The Texas A&M Academic Services department hosts two Professional Development workshops each year. The purpose is to provide enrichment opportunities to staff while promoting cohesion and effectiveness within the division. ---------- What we wanted in a speaker: ---------- We were seeking a speaker who could bridge the gap across all generations within our workforce and share strategies to promote cohesion and effectiveness in daily work across all units within the division. ---------- What we got with Tony: ---------- Tony provided an engaging learning environment that kept the audience's attention, was timely, relational, and enlightening. All generations of our staff felt they learned from Tony and the energy in the room was night and day from our last workshop. ---------- Tony's sincerity and passion for his topic had an impact on all present and has planted the seeds for Texas A&M Academic Services to become a "Funomenal Workplace". We still have staff talking about the presentation days after the event. We have others now that wish they had attended. Thank you, Tony! ---------- If you are wanting an engaging presentation that will create a positive experience for your staff, book Tony. The Funomenal Workplace is contagious and Tony's message is timeless. His energy and passion helped us put on an event staff are still talking about. ---------- The message connected with all of our staff at all ages and experiences. ---------- We cannot thank Tony enough for sharing his life stories, his humor, his wisdom and his passion for fun. He truly provided tips and techniques to create a positive culture in our organization which has been proven to increase productivity.

Terence Krolczyk (, Texas A&M University

"AT THE END OF HIS PRESENTATION, EVERYONE GAVE TONY A STANDING OVATION" ---------- What We Wanted: ---------- We were moving into our new space and had an "Open House" celebration planned. We also had a very important meeting of investors the same day. ---------- What We Got: ---------- Tony presented to the entire group of Investors, Management and Employees of the company together and had everyone involved and laughing. At the end of his presentation, everyone gave Tony a standing ovation. I am still getting positive feedback about the event. ---------- If you want to make your event special, invite Tony to speak, and he will customize his presentation to reflect what is unique about you and your business. I would highly recommend Tony to anyone who wants to make a meeting special.

Tim Coltrell, AccountNow, Inc, San Ramon, California