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Robert Swan Featured Renowned Polar Explorer; Leader in Sustainability

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Select Videos

  • Ted Talk: Let's Save The Last Pristine Continent

    2041 will be a pivotal year for our planet. That year will mark the end of a 50-year agreement to keep Antarctica, the Earth's last pristine continent, free of exploitation. Explorer Robert Swan — the first person to walk both the North and South Poles — is on a mission to ensure that we extend that treaty. With passion and vigor, he pleads with us to choose the preservation of the Antarctic for our own survival.

  • NASA: Robert Swan - Leadership on the Edge

    NASA Ames 2015 Summer Series. When challenged by extreme situations, we gain insight about our surroundings. At NASA, we push the envelop of science and technology to explore extreme environments and reveal the unknown for the benefit of all humankind. Our successes are dependent on vision, teamwork, leadership and our ability to adapt lessons learned to new situations.