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Dr. Rebecca Heiss Featured Stress Physiologist; Peak Performance Specialist; Author

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Select Keynotes

  • THE ALL-IN EFFECT: Leading Teams To Excel Through Change
  • FEAR(LESS) MINDSET: Finding Adventure in Ambiguity
  • THE STRESS SOLUTION: Transforming Fear Into Rocket Fuel to Supercharge Performance

Select Book Titles

  • 2025 Springboard: Transform Stress to Work For You
  • 2021 Instinct: Rewire Your Brain with Science-Backed Solutions to Increase Productivity and Achieve Success

Dr. Heiss is a stress expert dedicated to transforming our fears into fuel we can use through her Fear(less) Stress Formula. Her research has been designated “transformative” by the National Science Foundation.

As a 2x author (Springboard, and Instinct), founder and CEO of the leadership 360-review mobile application, icueity, and highly sought-after professional speaker, Rebecca has found her calling in helping others recognize the power of using stress as a springboard to reach our highest performance, purpose and passion.

A former educator, Dr. Heiss spent much of her earlier career in the classroom at both the high school and college levels and was recruited to be a founding member of an innovative charter school with a focus on entrepreneurial thinking and impact-based learning. Today she shares her Fear(less) Stress Formula to transform fear to fuel from stages around the world as a full-time speaker and facilitator of her Fearless Masterclass. She continues her research on how we can turn trauma into Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) rather than PTSD.

Rebecca’s “fear(less)” message inspires hope and actionable insights to train our brains to work for us, rather than against us in times of change and uncertainty. With surprising humor and palpable energy, no matter if Dr. Heiss is delivering virtually or on stage, she wins over her audiences with interactive, inspiring, and timely takeaways.

When she’s not on a stage, she is happiest when hiking or surfing with her two spoiled rotten dogs Guinness and Murphy.

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