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Pippa Malmgren Economist, Technologist/Futurist, Presidential Advisor, Best-selling and Award-Winning Author

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Select Testimonials

Sensational presentation from Pippa Malmgren at the FFA Symposium this afternoon! Thanks so much Dr. Malmgren for joining us.

Michael Mascia; Chair, Finance Practice at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

It s a genuine pleasure to write this recommendation regarding Pippa's recent presentation at Deloitte's UK Financial Services tax conference. From preparation through to delivery, Pippa brought an engaging and energetic style that shone brightly across her highly informed prepared remarks and Q&A responses. Her breadth of experience and wealth of stories undoubtedly left participants with greater insight on innovation and future directional trends.

Peter, Partner at Deloitte

A speaker who takes complex situations, strategies and ideas, and makes them understandable, delivering with pace and energy. Add in an impressive backstory of experience and contacts at a global level, that help bring her points to life, engage her audience, and take them with her.

Regional Director of Business Banking, HSBC

One of the biggest ‘aha' moments I've had in the last 3 years and reinforced my resolve to get us to think differently not just around what we're delivering but how we deliver it.

Senior Responsible Manager, Rolls Royce for the Future Combat Air System (FCAS)

Pippa was yet again a fantastic addition to the program and her session was the top rated session by delegates which is brilliant.

WRG Live London

Select Client Feedback

Pippa was just what we were looking for in a speaker as far as energy and topic. She was one of the highlights of the entire event, and a great way to kick off the Top Women Advisors Summit. Pippa is so smart and knowledgeable, yet her content was still very relatable and easy to understand. She struck a chord with everyone in the audience.


This morning’s speech was easily one of the best I’ve heard – if not THE best – in the last ten years of Capital Connection events, and the feedback I’ve received thus far has been stellar as well. I honestly think Pippa could still be fielding questions from the audience if we had enough time to allow it.

Jeff Noland Account: Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)