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Oli London Author, News Contributor & Speaker

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Select Testimonials

Oli London is courageously standing up for our children, our future, by speaking his truth and his story. Gender Madness is one of the most critical books parents can read to protect their children, thank you Oli!

Heidi Ganahl, Republican nominee for Governor of Colorado

Oli London, you're a gift. The book is Gender Madness, well worth your time.

Megyn Kelly

A powerful cautionary tale from a brave warrior in the fight for moral, objective truth.

Monica Crowley, Ph.D., former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

The work that Oli is doing is invaluable. He's highlighting through personal experience the darker side of gender ideology, and it's both brave and imperative to give detransitioners a voice we must listen to.

Sharron Davies, MBE, Olympic medalist, Women's Swimming Champion