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Matt Granados Top Rated Speaker | Trainer | Author | Entrepreneur

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Select Videos

  • Keynote Highlight

    Highlighting what we do at Life Pulse Keynote events

  • Why We LP

    A quick showing of a 15 minute version of why we LP tying together two topics we speak on and the benefits we see from these programs.

  • Google Headquarters - Build Your Intentional Week

    If work's not the issue in the work-life balance concept, what's the issue? It's life because we don't take time to even think about what we want bec. we don't have time for it since we have too much to do at work. The 4 categories are internal, relational, professional and physical, circle each one of these categories on your list and take those 4 goals, so I can show you how to achieve them every week.

  • LPinA 734 - Joe Perez - EO San Antonio

    Serial entrepreneur and Learning Chairman of the Entrepreneurs' Organization - San Antonio chapter, Joe Perez shares how he plans on using the LP system to maximize the productivity in his life and the people around him.

  • Renee Rouleau - CEo and Founder of Renee Rouleau Skin Care

    Renee Rouleau has been in business for decades, but after the recent loss of her husband and business partner, she wanted to bring a program to her team that would leave a positive, lasting impact on both their professional and personal lives. Check out her experience with our TYT program - the program that bridges the gap between personal and professional development for your entire team!