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Katty Kay Veteran Political Reporter; BBC Special Correspondent; Popular Podcaster; Bestselling Author
Select Testimonials
“It was a privilege for our most senior leaders to hear perspectives from you, David Cameron, and John Kerry. Your deft moderation of the discussion helped ensure a robust exchange of ideas on global trends and their impact on business. I know we will look back on your session as among the most memorable highlights of our time in Rome.”
“On behalf of the entire Ellucian team, thank you for giving up valuable family time last week to join the female leaders. Your message on “The Confidence Code” was profoundly on target and inspirational to all of us!”
“It was great to see you again. You were incredibly well-received – both last night and this afternoon. Your message is powerfully and passionately delivered, and really resonates with us. Thank you again for taking the time to join us.”
"We are still getting high praise from our members (and staff) on Katty Kay's presentation. She definitely was one of the highlights of the conference and I have let my colleagues know that they should definitely consider her as a speaker for any future events."
“Thank you for being such a great keynote speaker. Your presentation touched our entire membership. The way you set the table with your message of where America fits in today's Global Economy, was quite skillful and eye opening for those attending. They felt reassured that the USA was still the world leader that they all grew up believing and yes ... better days are on their way!”
"Thanks to Katty the event was very successful. We have gotten back a lot of positive feedback from the group. She was fantastic at the event and the topic was something all of the women could relate including me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Katty and listening to her. She is a very down to earth person who brings a lot of knowledge and experience to any group that she has the pleasure to speak to their group.”
“Wanted to let you know that Katty was fantastic!! Great way to end the conference session today. She is such a great speaker and her Q&A session was great - we could have gone on forever.”
“I want to thank you for leading such a superb panel discussion. The rapport that you established through the conversation was just wonderful and the panelists were both extremely candid in their views which our members appreciated (and commented on). It was one of the best discussions on emerging markets that we've featured at the Winter Forum. I was thrilled with the outcome and it was a real honor to have you join us.”
“Katty Kay was a huge hit with the attendees at NY Cash Exchange! She did a great job of creating a current events message geared to our group's primary areas of interest and her presentation style was very polished and professional. Her humor provided a welcome balance. Perhaps the highest point was the Q&A session. She is obviously very well informed and quick minded. We would certainly book her again.”
“Katty Kay was a huge hit with the attendees at NY Cash Exchange! She did a great job of creating a current events message geared to our group's primary areas of interest and her presentation style was very polished and professional. Her humor provided a welcome balance. Perhaps the highest point was the Q&A session. She is obviously very well informed and quick minded. We would certainly book her again.”
“It was our pleasure to have you appear before our attendees last week in Miami on the occasion of our annual meeting of the American Cotton Shippers Association. Your comments and analysis of domestic and international matters was very well received and enjoyed by everyone I spoke with afterwards. The connections you made with our members regarding their export markets relating to China, Turkey, and others was a very good fit. Your genuine approach to the audience was refreshing and made personal by your wonderful smile and personality.”
“I can't begin to describe how well Katty connected with our audience. She really resonated with the group as a single presenter discussing politics in DC and the obvious partisanship and discord that threaten our political representatives to govern. Interestingly, she does not give the press a free ride either, as too often, be it television or radio, the media has turned nearly as partisan as our politics. She was engaging, confident and yet self-deprecating at the same time. Doing double duty, she then moderated a business session discussing gender issues in the industry where she performed magnificently. With her recent book, “Womenomics”, it was obvious she knows the concerns and problems of women in the corporate world and their impact in the marketplace. We had several compliments about this session, especially from men. Having said all that, perhaps her most important attribute is her genuineness. She was perfect for our program and our audience. I would not be hesitant to recommend her to any organization.”
“She may have been our best speaker (ever) - delightful and substantive and a pleasure to work with - our members just loved her.”