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Jeremy Poincenot Featured World Blind Golf Champion

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  • - From darkness to victory: Being the world's best blind golfer

    Young American wins World Blind Golf Championship two years after losing his vision. Jeremy Poincenot feared he'd never play golf again after being blinded by rare disease. The 20-year-old is joined on the golf course by his father, who acts as his son's eyes.

  • - Blind golfer's story resonates with many, including Aaron Rodgers

    Jeremy Poincenot, with whom Aaron Rodgers had crossed paths while playing Pelican Hill Golf Club in Newport Beach, California, on Sunday. And Rodgers was right about this much: Poincenot is an amazing story. "He's such a great kid," Rodgers wrote in a separate message. "My offseason, I've got a lot of stories. "This one is cool, but only because Jeremy is such a unique guy. HIS story is what's important."