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Felipe Gomez Devout Pianist; Renowned Peak Performance and Entrepreneurial Mindset Expert

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Select Keynotes

  • Virtuoso
  • Attitude-E
  • The Beauty of Listening [Coming soon]

Select Book Titles

  • 2017 Attitude-E

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Felipe Gomez is one of the world's most requested and inspiring keynote speakers, combining leadership principles and a passion for music. He is an accomplished executive with more than 25 years of global entrepreneurial and general management experience, leading organizations like Compass Group and Farmacity and co-founding Azurian and Scala.

Felipe has delivered more that 1,000 performances in 25 countries and is a frequent speaker at some of the world’s most prestigious management and leadership conferences – such as The Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna, the Oslo Business Forum, WOBI Management Week and the World Business Forum in New York, Sydney, Madrid, Milan, and Mexico City.

He speaks at more than 70 events per year, delivering consistent and bold keynotes both in person and virtually. His Hispanic roots bring a global perspective to his presentations and valuable diversity to your event. He holds an MBA from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland.

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