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Delaney Ruston Physician and Documentary Filmmaker

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  • 2020 Parenting in the Screen Age: A Guide for Calm Conversations

Delaney Ruston is a filmmaker, Stanford trained physician and international speaker who makes documentaries to foster social change. She is the creator of the award-winning films, Screenagers, about solutions for healthy screen time and Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER, about improving the emotional wellbeing of today’s youth. Thus far 4 and a half million kids and adults have gathered for screenings in 85 countries. Dr. Ruston is a known expert on the topic of screen time and young people and is frequently in the press, such as Good Morning America, NPR, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

She is the author of Parenting In The Screen Age, and widely read blog, Tech Talk Tuesdays.

Delaney is an internationally recognized speaker on the effect of screen time on youth development and health issues. She has been invited to speak at The World Health Organization, Harvard, Google, TEDx, Facebook, The Aspen Institute, The United Nations and numerous other teaching institutions, businesses, and international organizations.

Examples of other award-winning documentaries include UNLISTED: A STORY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA about her father and HIDDEN PICTURES about global mental health, both of which have been screened widely, aired on PBS, and were at the forefront of advocacy campaigns, including with the World Health Organization.

A nationally recognized mental health advocate, Dr. Ruston has received wide recognition from national mental health organizations including Harvard’s McLean National Council. She has also been awarded the Fountain House Associates Advocacy Award and Navos Expanding Horizon’s Award.

Delaney trained at Stanford Medical School, followed by an internal medicine residency at UC San Francisco and a fellowship in Bioethics and Communication. For over twenty years she has practiced medicine along with teaching medical students. She has been on the faculty of The University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and Stony Brook Medicine in New York State.

Delaney is Fulbright Scholar and has conducted health-related research for many years. Her research has been published in leading scientific journals, such as The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Currently, she lives with her family in Seattle, Washington where she continues to create films and social movements, as well as provide primary care to the underserved and homeless – which has been the focus of her medical work for many years.

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