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Daniel Hulme, PhD CEO & Founder of Satalia; Techno Activist; Leading Artificial Intelligence Expert

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Select Keynotes

  • Rethinking AI and Its Impact on Business and Humanity
  • AI and the Future of Innovation
  • Future of Work & Humanity
  • Society in the Digital Age
  • Digital Transformation & Disruption
  • Impact of Emerging Technologies & Innovation
  • Strategy & Strategic Thinking
  • Blockchain & Decentralisation

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Dr. Daniel Hulme (PhD) is a leading expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies. He is the CEO of Satalia, an award-winning company that provides AI products and solutions for global companies such as Tesco and PwC, and he is also the Director of UCL’s Business Analytics MSc, applying AI to solve business and social problems. In August 2021, post Satalia's acquisition, Daniel became WPP's Chief AI Officer.

Daniel is a popular keynote speaker specialising in the topics of AI, ethics, technology, innovation, decentralization and organisational design. He is a serial speaker for Google and TEDx, and is a faculty member of Singularity University.

Dr. Hulme is a contributor to numerous books, podcasts and articles on AI and the future of work. He has a Masters and Doctorate in AI from UCL, lectures on topics in Computer Science and Business, and is passionate about how technology can be used to govern organisations and bring positive social impact.

Daniel has advisory and executive positions across companies and governments. He holds an international Kauffman Global Entrepreneur Scholarship and actively promotes purposeful entrepreneurship and technology innovation across the globe.

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