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Vinh Giang Featured Entrepreneur; Magician; Coach; The Psychology of Illusion
Select Keynotes
“Collaboration is the key to success”
With this topic, Vinh presents the audience with several magic performances, and invites them to offer their solutions as to how they were done. In going through this process, the audience learns quickly that perspective is the key to solving any problem. After all, magic is just a problem that the general public do not have the solution to. While it may appear complicated, remember that magic tricks are problems specifically designed to never be solved. Now if you can get even a small insight into how to solve magic tricks, imagine the clarity you will take into the other problems in your business and personal lives. Magicians are great problem solvers: it's a skill they inherit as a result of learning such a secretive art.
“You are the direct reflection of the top 5 people you spend time with.”
In this presentation, Vinh takes you exclusively behind the scenes and shows you how magicians are able to influence their spectators in an incredible way. It is through this demonstration that Vinh asks the question: "Who is influencing you in your life"' and "Are your decisions really your own?" Vinh will demonstrate techniques on blocking out negative influence, and gaining and maintaining a positive mind set. Imagine just for a moment that you “got up on the right side of the bed” every single day for the next three months. How would that change your life? How would that change your business? Mindset is everything.
“It’s not what you see that counts, it’s how you choose to look at it.”
Misdirection is one of the most important aspects of the art of magic. Through a visual demonstration, Vinh takes the audience through a series of magic effects to show them how easily one can be misled. Vinh then takes you deep inside the psychology behind the art of magic to show and prove to the audience that your negative beliefs, no matter what they are, do not exist. Vinh will show your audiences how to overcome misdirection in life and business. With this mindset, audiences will realise that there are no limits to what they can achieve. It is only with this mindset that magicians are able to create magic. Let Vinh help you and your team create magic with what you do in business!
“People will forget what you said or did, but never how you made them feel.”
Re-energise your sales team by having them witness Vinh perform a spectacular feat of magic, followed by a personal insight into the “behind the scenes” of the effect. Vinh reminds us all that every encounter is a performance, and the importance of always giving it your all. This applies to every interaction throughout your day, but most particularly when it is a sales encounter; because no matter how many times we have done something, we need to remember that the person on the receiving end is experiencing it for the first time, and we need to make sure it is the best experience possible. This is a crucial point of self reflection that is deeply empowering, which the audience will always remember.
Goal Setting
Goal Setting
“How can you hope to hit a target you cannot see? Let alone a target you do not have?”
For every show that Vinh performs, it is crucial that it goes according to plan, because the margin for error in magic is very narrow. When achieving the impossible, it is all the more important that the goals for each act are identified and established well beforehand. There is no better way to illustrate this concept than to prove to the audience through a feat of seemingly impossible magic that the events of the entire show were prepared before it even began.
The Psychology of Illusion
The Psychology of Illusion
This keynote is about:
- Creating and cultivating the RIGHT influence in our lives
- How to guide our perspective for true collaboration
- How to challenge our belief systems to enhance our actions
Magic is much more than sleight of hand. It’s the ability to guide perspective, spotlight influence, and challenge belief systems. With humor, heart, and captivating showmanship, Vinh Giang transforms these three powerful components and shares how creating and cultivating the RIGHT influence in our lives can make the difference between tremendous success or limited mediocrity. What we know in this world is that everything that once seemed impossible can be reimagined and overcome. It takes suspending old belief systems. Unlocking mindsets. Innovating. Deliberate and definitive action. And yes, even a little magic. Invite wonder and unlock limitless potential in your team by inviting Vinh to speak at your next event.
Vinh will present on 3 of the following ideas during his talk:
- Perspective - collaboration is the key to success
- Influence - you are the direct reflection of the top 5 people you spend time with
- Anything is Possible - your beliefs dictate your actions
- Goal Setting - how can you hope to hit a target you cannot see? Let alone a target you do not have?
- Thinking Differently - rather a mind opened by wonder, than one closed by negative beliefs
- Misdirection - it's not what you see that counts, it's how you choose to look at it
- Showmanship - people will forget what you said or did, but never how you made them feel
The Leaders Instrument
The Leaders Instrument
This keynote is about:
- Learning to use your ‘instrument’ – our ability to communicate and connect - in a masterful way
- Learning verbal and non-verbal communication skills in depth to build deeper connections with others
In this world where electronic communication is seemingly taking over, effective communication skills have become more important than ever. Have you ever asked yourself, “How much is the way I am communicating, or not communicating, costing me?”
That’s the question Vinh Giang helps to answer for influential leadership professionals around the globe. In this powerful keynote, he shares the value of learning to use your ‘instrument’ – our ability to communicate and connect -- in a masterful way. Most of our life experiences both professionally and personally are based around relationships, and those relationships affect the quality of our business and life. When you learn verbal and non-verbal communication skills in depth, you build deeper connections with others. The better you get at using your instrument, the better quality of life you’ll have.
If you are ready to bring powerful business and life-changing communication skills to your team, this is the topic for you.
Vinh will present on the following ideas during his talk:
- Implementing the 4 communication archetypes
- Identifying the 5 fundamental elements of communication
- Overcoming communication fear
- Using body language to communicate effectively
Digital Keynote: Master the Leaders Instrument
Digital Keynote: Master the Leaders Instrument
Vinh Giang's digital keynote, "Master the Leaders Instrument," is designed to inspire and support your teams, leaders and customers as they face their greatest test of organizational reinvention yet.
Unlike a typical virtual presentation, "Master the Leaders Instrument," is a fast-paced, pre-recorded keynote shot on multiple studio quality cameras, and professionally edited with dramatic video cutaways and a music score. Your audiences will also have the chance to interact and ask Vinh questions live in a Q&A session following the keynote.
"Master the Leaders Instrument" will help your attendees reimagine their communication effectiveness: what we say and how we say it is absolutely critical to your organization's ability to thrive in the new reality that comes after the pandemic.
In the last few years, Vinh has conducted numerous in-person sessions teaching the value of learning to use our ‘leaders instrument’. Thousands have learned how to enhance communication skills to amplify leadership - how to build stronger connections with teams and customers through effective storytelling - how to improve collaboration across all areas of the organization - and how to create innovation that inspires deep engagement with the team.
"Hands down the most engaging virtual session I've ever attended. While Vinh's communication techniques clearly helped with engagement, the actual demonstrations of the difference between techniques and encouraging participation was what really helped solidify the content in my mind." SHI Virtual AttendeeThis digital keynote is a distillation of Vinh's in-person sessions and is exactly the pragmatic and motivational information that your organization needs at this critical moment.We are experiencing an immense amount of change in this year. For leaders, that means that now is the time to upgrade capabilities and accelerate innovation. Here is your chance to do just that.
Digital Keynote Package
- 45 minute pre-recorded keynote
- Cost-effective pricing
- Addresses the current crisis and opportunities
- High definition video file provided to you to stream to your audience
- Vinh participates in a live 15 minute Q & A session following the screening
Overview of a sample digital keynote that Vinh can provide:- Enhanced Communication
- What’s your Vocal image saying about you?
- How to style your vocal image to amplify your leadership
- Vocal Foundations
- Record and review technique to improve your communication skills 10X
Virtual Keynote & Masterclass Experiences
Virtual Keynote & Masterclass Experiences
COVID19 has forced us into a world where virtual communication has completely taken over. And most of our workforce and team members are now finding themselves working from home.
Vinh Giang has completely redesigned and reimagined what a Virtual experience can be. Whether you are looking for - An Inspirational Virtual Keynote Experience - or- A Virtual Masterclass Experience Teaching World -Class Communication Skills - Vinh has you covered.
During a discovery call, you and Vinh will decide on the material he will deliver based on what you feel your team most needs at this time. And of course, a session with Vinh has to include a little touch of magic. Vinh will inspire, uplift and engage your team while they learn important communication skills for this new digital work environment.
NOTE: these virtual sessions can be recorded and include a limited license to distribute internally.
60 Minute Session
- From Vinh's full production studio, this virtual session offers your audience a dynamic online keynote experience. With multiple cameras, audience interaction and a touch of magic, Vinh creates an impactful presentation for viewers that goes way beyond a typical virtual session.
These deep dive Masterclass sessions will take your participants on a journey of communications training unlike any they've ever experienced before. Choosing from a few or all 6 sessions, this training enhances communications skillset, improves collaboration and creates innovation that inspires deep connection within your team.
Training sessions can include:
- 5 Foundations of Communication
- Vocal Archetypes / Storytelling
- More on Storytelling
- Body Language / Hand Gestures
- Rehearse / Dealing with Fear
- Presentations / Written vs Spoken
- BONUS - Participants will learn the secrets behind Vinh's magic to heighten their 'impact' skillset
Creating Communication MAGIC
Creating Communication MAGIC
NOTE: this topic is a breakout session.
There is very real magic in the powerful ability to communicate at extraordinary levels. It allows people to shift mindsets. To close deals. To build relationship bridges. To overcome objections. To connect in ways that foster leadership, teamwork, and exponential growth. Master communicator, magician, entertainer, and keynote speaker Vinh Giang captivates audiences with the tools, skills, and strategies that allow them to transform themselves into dynamic communicators. The lessons learned in this non-conventional, no-box-at-all workshop are much more than just learning to speak to each other as human beings. With years of innovative study in theatre, arts, and speaking -- Vinh shares visionary insights that help strengthen and build self-confidence. Put fear in the rear-view. Teach your team to be more fluent and flow with clarity in their words. Deliver with authority. Rise above the noise of the crowd and stand out as leaders in their business and their lives. If you’re ready to create a magical communication transformation for your team that will take them – and your business to entirely new levels, invite Vinh to speak at your next event.
Anything is Possible
Anything is Possible
“Your beliefs dictate your actions.”
Magic is an art that is created to demonstrate the impossible. The beautiful thing about this is that the very nature of magic shows us that things that are seemingly impossible can be made to happen. Vinh highlights this concept by first accomplishing an immensely impressive feat, and follows this by walking the audience through how this seemingly impossible feat was actually achieved. Through several powerful exercises, Vinh is able to break down the barriers that we have in our minds, which hold us back from accomplishing truly amazing things. As cliché as it may come across to begin with, the undeniable fact that Vinh demonstrates right before our very eyes proves that anything is indeed possible. Definitely a key finishing statement to the audience that leaves them on an extremely high note.
Vinh gained the entrepreneurial spirit and mindset from his parents, who fled Vietnam to Australia in 1981 and went on to start multiple successful businesses. His father’s belief that “life is a miracle” inspired Vinh to see the possibilities in his own life. Today, he travels the world, teaching communication skills and engaging audiences with energy and flair.
As a college student, Vinh struck out on his own to start an online business teaching magic. As founder of Encyclopedia of Magic and CEO of Luminary Productions, Vinh combines the two biggest passions of his life: teaching and magic. As a magician, Vinh partnered with other performers to create fun and award-winning shows. His team’s performances won multiple awards at the Adelaide Fringe festival, one of the world’s largest art events.
Using the themes of perspective, empowerment, goal setting, and positive mind-set, he encourages others to believe in the possibility for positive change in their lives and business ventures. Vinh teaches professionals to re-imagine their approach to communication. “Don’t be so attached to who you are in the present, give the future version of you a chance,” he points out, and then proceeds to teach us how to amplify the best parts of who we are.