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Tara Renze Emotional Intelligence & Positive Intelligence Practitioner and Thought Leader

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  • Tara Renze Story Reel

    Keynote Speaker Tara Renze inspires individuals and organizations to gain the clarity, focus and confidence to extinguish their self-limiting beliefs and take purposeful action to create, own and live the life they deserve and desire.

  • Tara Renze - Turn that Setback into a Comeback!

    Tara's butterfly goal was to be on a game show. She had wanted this since she was a little girl. Then she finally got her opportunity. The reality and the fears set in...and what happened next shows how Tara used her Emotional Intelligence to maintain composure during a major, epic and embarrassing failure. You'll see how she was able to turn that SETBACK into a COMEBACK and she teaches you that you that you can do the same! It's time to go all in on YOU and your dreams!

  • Tara Renze - Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable and Go "All In" on YOU!

    In this keynote segment, Tara shares the secrets to going all in to get that big goal you are after. She says that we need to stop comparing ourselves to others and instead, own our authentic selves and admire those who are achieving what we want. Invite that invitational fear in because that is the first step you are on the right track. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. After all, even if you fail the first time, learn from your's only a mistake if it happens twice.

  • Tara Renze - Own Your Authenticity & Replace Comparison with Admiration

    Tara Renze shares in her "Be Who You Came to Be" keynote that we need to own our authenticity because we aren't going to be for everyone. For some we are going to be too much. For others, we won't be enough and then there are "your people" - your raving fans. Tara also shares an Emotional Intelligence secret.... Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, admire them. This is an EQ secret...when you admire them for what they are doing right, you can elevate yourself. Turn that comparison into admiration.

  • Tara Renze - You Didn't Come to Be Them, You Came to Be YOU (International Event)

    Tara Renze's Be Who You Came to Be is a thought-provoking, inspiring, genuine and fresh approach that answers these questions and helps professionals unlock and unleash their purposes in life. Tara takes a new and refreshing approach to help her audience find purpose and be who they came to be. Through personal experience, stories and research she walks her audience through a three-step process to "be who they came to be".

  • Tara Renze - Get Mentally Fit (International Event)

    Tara delivered delivered her Get Mentally Fit - Emotional & Positive Intelligence and The Leader You Came to Be keynote to an international audience in Munich Germany where her keynote was translated live in 3 languaes. Tara's topic helps you to...Elevate your emotional intelligence, unlock your positive intelligence, strengthen your mind, eliminate self-doubt, and conquer your saboteurs so you can create, own and live the life you deserve and desire – at work and at home.

  • 10 Secrets to Level Up Your Leadership:

    Elevate Your Leadership, Increase Positive Intelligence, Strengthen Team Culture, Boost Revenue

  • Tara Renze - The Importance of Self Assessing video segment

    This is a video clip from Tara Renze's breakout session where attendees learned the importance of Self-Assessing. You'll discover the power of using a clear mirror to self-assess and unlock your potential. In this keynote, Tara shares how taking an honest look at ourselves—without blame or excuses—can lead to personal growth and success. Learn how to celebrate your strengths, uncover growth opportunities, and hold yourself accountable for becoming the best version of YOU.

  • Tara Renze Keynote Segment - "You're Not Going To Be For Everyone"

    It's a fact—you're not going to be for everyone, and that's okay! In this keynote, Tara Renze talks about embracing the reality that not everyone will like or support you, and that's part of the journey. Instead of trying to please everyone, focus on finding your 'raving fans'—the people who love and value you for who you are. Own your authenticity and watch as the right people and opportunities come into your life.

  • Tara Renze - "Be Who You Came To Be: Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for Healthcare Excellence"

    "Be Who You Came To Be: Unlocking Emotional Intelligence for Healthcare Excellence" The Emotional Intelligence secrets to “be who you came to be” in healthcare. This talk is designed to inspire healthcare professionals to embrace their calling, harnessing their passion and tenacity to create, own, and live the life they deserve and desire. Healthcare professionals will discover how to tap into their emotional intelligence, using it as a powerful tool to strengthen their resilience, foster personal growth and achieve exceptional success in their chosen field.

  • Tara Renze - Leadership is LOVE

    Leadership is not about transactions or titles. Leadership is about what we are instilling in others so they can show up unapologetically as the best version of themselves.

  • Tara Renze Direct Sales Video #1

    Video segment from a customized keynote for a Direct Sales client

  • Tara Renze - Customized Interactive Workshop for Direct Sales Client

    Tara Renze delivered her customized interactive workshop "Be Who You Came to Be -Create, Own & “Live” the Life You Deserve & Desire".

  • Be Who You Came to Be

    Redefine Happiness, Elevate Your Success, Embrace Change, Eliminate Comparison, Self-Actualize, Take Risks, Never Play Small

  • Tara-Renze-Emcee - DSA ENGAGE2023

    Tara Renze was the Emcee for the 2023 Direct Selling Association's Engage Conference