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- Change Management / Organizational Change
- Corporate Culture & Governance
- Disruption
- Employee Engagement
- Human Resources / Workforce Issues
- Teamwork / Teambuilding
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Polly LaBarre Authority on Leading Organizational Change; Co-founder, Management Lab; Founding Team, Fast Company; and Co-author, Mavericks at Work
Select Videos
Design an Architecture of Contribution
The best ideas are not from senior management, but designing an organization where everyone feels relevant.
Be Bold, Brave and Brilliant
Be the Disruptor, Not the Disrupted
WL Gore Upends Traditional Organization Structure
WL Gore has no job descriptions. All that autonomy is balanced out to the overall accountability. One is committed to the mission. Individuals are "elected" to positions within the organization by mixing people up within.
Lego Opens Up To Innovate
Polly discusses Lego's mission to invite the outside to come "in." No matter who you are the world is churning with smart and passionate people. Find those people and tap into their desires and passions with a genuine stake.
Innovate Like an Insurgent
Learn to Adapt as Fast as the World Changes
Be a Leader Who Removes the Shackles of Fear
Leading Successful Change
Handelsbanken - Principles, Autonomy & Transparency Unleash Performance
Handelsbanken is a full service bank delivering a total return of 200% and never taking a bailout. The management model has obsessive focus on customers with only three layers of management and full autonomy.
Decision by Experimentation at Intuit
Experimentation & Innovation
A New Era of Leadership
The New Leadership Mindset
Building the Capacity to Adapt to Change
The Resilient Organization
Questions Help You Find the Future
Maverick Agenda: Invent the Future
Rebels, Misfits and Mavericks at Work
Demolish Stifling Bureaucracy