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Neen James Sales and Leadership Female Keynote Speaker on Focus, Connecting, Attention and Productivity
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Neen James Sizzle Reel - From Busyness to Productiveness
Neen infuses every room with sassy, Aussie energy.
Professional Attention to Customers - Committing to your customers Before, During and After
Do your customers know how important they are to you? And when I use the word customer I'm talking about your clients, your patients, your members, your students, your team members, whatever you call them, let's use the word customers today. How are you paying professional attention to your customers, whoever they might be?
Professional Attention to Commitment Daily Schedule
If you don't manage your time, something else will. It's time leaders fight back against the demands of their day and begin taking control of their time and calendar to ensure they focus on priorities and goals necessary for success. Learn how here.