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Kyle Scheele The Patron Saint of Crazy Ideas

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Select Testimonials

Hilarious, entertaining, yet deeply meaningful & poignant. Worth the entire price of the conference.

Attendee Survey Ohio Parks & Recreation Association

Over the last five years, we've hired Kyle to speak multiple times. Our employees love his keynotes, and they always take away valuable professional development skills.

Chris Massman, Member Services VP Missouri Electric Cooperatives

Where do good ideas come from? In my experience, it's a painful process of trial and error, clarity and confusion. So, why not just skip all that and let Kyle Scheele - the patron saint of crazy ideas - guide you and your team on an adventure filled with bold ideas and creative discoveries.

Hugh Weber, CEO The Great Discontent

I have heard SO many great things about your talk. People were truly inspired and very impressed.

Katie Jones, Talent Retention Coordinator Young Professionals Summit

First let me say—BOOK HIM—It's not easy to hold the attention of 8500+ guests in an arena, but Kyle had our members from the moment he stepped on the stage.

Keith Dietzschold, Executive Secretary Missouri FFA

Kyle's storytelling and engagement abilities are superb. His openness and transparency captivated our audience and left them wanting more. We are so thrilled with the connection he was able to create with our field of entrepreneurs. We would have him back again and again!

Lindsay Marie Colombe, Chief Visionary Officer Pomifera

Select Client Feedback

Our attendees loved Kyle's presentation! Totally engaged all 1,400 audience members. He was so easy to work with and so personable! We highly recommend him.

Barbara Lane HR Houston