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Joel Zeff National Speaker/Workplace Expert/Author/Emcee/Humorist

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“The meeting was a great success!!! Joel was a major hit! Below are a few comments that I have received thus far via e-mail: ‘You've done it once again!! Joel was hilarious. But, more than anything he provided practical application to help me become a stronger leader with my team. I LOVED learning about creative ways to engage my team, taking advantage of opportunities and providing positive support to my employees to show they are heard and valued. I will also be using the communication improv and ‘Mr.-Know-It-All’ during my next team meeting. Keep listening and demonstrating you hear us by doing all you can to provide the tools necessary for us to be stronger and more effective leaders. Thank you!’ ‘...I want to thank you for your recommendation for the speaker. I really enjoyed laughing and tcoming out of our comfort zone together while also getting a good message from Joel. He was the perfect combination of comedy, motivation and inspiration. Thanks for all you did to maketoday successful.’ ‘I have received numerous more comments verbally, but everyone had a wonderful time and was able to walk away with a message and ideas for their own teams.’”


“Thank you for captivating our Corporate Relations team during your engaging performance and discussion at our department kickoff meeting. You created a memorable event. I will never forget seeing my colleague, Sari, imitate a ballerina and a kangaroo! Your messages of passion, energy and teamwork struck a chord with our department. These lessons will be helpful to our company as we focus on reinventing protection and retirement for the consumer. Your improvisation games highlighted that we as a department need to take risks, deal with change, and positively support each other as we face our corporate challenges. Again, thank you so much for your wonderful presentation.”

Allstate Insurance

I have never seen such a positive response from any meeting. Actually, I’m now advertising for you with my recap of the event. There has been some fallout, however. Now everyone leaving our bathrooms are yelling “TA DA” in celebration. We’ve posted a hand washing expert outside to make sure that the celebration is actually warranted. And today in a presentation to a group which was composed of many outsiders, I used both the TA DA and “bunny, bunny, bunny”. Our team members were amused; the other team members, bemused. Thanks for the energy and the lift. I look forward to the LDI. Thanks, David Thank you for making our LDI such a success. We will remember you for future jobs. I did receive your articles, and we have posted them on the LDI intranet site. Your part of our program was rated a 4.9 out of 5 score on the evals -- this is the highest score anyone received. 172 people wrote "Joel Zeff" as the answer to the question on the eval that asked, "What did you like best about this LDI?" You exceeded our expectations, Joel! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Baylor Health Care System

Your keynote session was exceptionally relevant to the central themes of our meeting, and you managed to energize our participants around these topics through your dynamic delivery. Thank you for a fantastic session that sent our attendees back into their workplaces with fresh perspective and renewed passion.

Capital One Bank

TA DA - you rocked it! Your "top 2" score was the highest (at 98%) and matched only by Jackie's. (Frankly, between us, I'd discount hers. It's my experience that employees always give the boss-man or boss-lady really high scores!!)


I wanted to let you know that the feedback from everyone was overwhelmingly positive. I would say that in my 20 year sales career it was perhaps the most enjoyable (and appropriate) presentation I've been a part of in a sales meeting. Your competition for that top spot is John Cleese, so you're in very good company.


Thanks again for a fabulous performance. Thought you'd like to see one of the many positive comments we received. Hans was one of the suit volunteers. “The guy last night was one of the most entertaining I ever recall from a national sales meeting. Russell said his tear-ducts had no tears left. He was hilarious.”


Thank you so much for joining us this year. You were quite a hit and you certainly added the fun and energy we were looking for. Thank you so much.

Kaiser Permanente

Congratulations again for your success in delivering an impactful message in a memorable and entertaining way. You and your message were a hit with the Restaurant Managers, Regional Trainers and Consultants and USTL&D Leadership. Once we have our debrief meeting, I am hoping to find out if McDonald's has a database for highly recommended presenters and vendors. If it does, we will be sure to add your name and contact information to it along with the positive feedback that we have received. Thank you again for your professionalism, wisdom and humor.

McDonald's Corporation

I just wanted to send you a huge THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for coming to NJ and making all of the associates in Medical Services laugh, relax, bond and communicate with your interactive games and improvisational humor. We saw talent that we never knew existed in many of our colleagues!!! Even microphone issues and fire alarm strobe lights could not affect the enthusiasm and energy that you produced with the group. Your presentation was truly wonderful. We have been getting so much positive feedback about the event, I just felt compelled to pass on the appreciation. Thank you again for an outstanding event.

Novartis Pharmaceutical

I would definitely give Joel 5's across the board! He was just hilarious and I don’t think that I have laughed that hard in a long time! I spoke with him about the possibility of working with our company again for a different group. I will keep you posted as I believe he would be just perfect! Also, just a delight to work with!!!


Thank you so much for a great presentation and memorable close for the conference. You exceeded all of my expectations! And, the feedback that I received from attendees was outstanding. Finally, you can be certain that we will look for ways that we may be able to use you in the future for other company meetings/ events. Again, thank you!

SunGard Higher Education (Users Group)

I am so pleased we were able to have you present to our sales team. I am hearing nothing but rave reviews from the attendees and you received the top scores on our post meeting survey. You not only entertained the audience but you provided an incredibly powerful and useful message that resonated with our sales team and successfully incorporated the themes of our meeting.

Wells Fargo