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Jim Carroll Futurist, AI Keynote Speaker and Innovation Expert
Select Articles
20 Trends into 2030: Are You Ready for the Massive Transformation of Just About Everything?
IGHTSFOLLOW ME 20 Trends into 2030: Are You Ready for the Massive Transformation of Just About Everything? It's time to get your future on! In the era of acceleration, when everything is speeding up, it's difficult to imagine where we might be in 10 years.
"New Era for Growing the Game" - PGA Magazine
Jim Carroll was the opening speaker for the 94th Annual General Meeting of the PGA of America. The association covered Jim's keynote thoughts in this article that was sent to over 28,000 golf professionals who are members of the world's largest sporting organization.
Success Comes to Those Who Evolve
Credit Suisse, one of the world's largest financial institutions, features Jim in Bulletin, their glossy publication aimed at global financial and business clients.
Are You Guilty of Aggressive Indecision?
In this article for the national publication, Fresh, of the Produce Marketing Association, Jim outlines his thoughts for his keynote to over 3,000 members on future food, packaging and agricultural trends.
Bright Days for the Future of Recreation? You Bet, Says Futurist Jim Carroll
The National Recreation and Parks Association had Jim to open their annual conference, with over 4,000 industry and association members in the room. In this article, he outlines his thoughts on the challenges and opportunities faced by the profession, municipalities and industry.