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Dambisa Moyo International Economist & Author who Analyzes the Macroeconomy and Global Affairs

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Select Articles

  • The long-term effect of Trump’s three-pronged boost

    If some families decide to save, rather than spend, the windfall, it will blunt the growth impact of the tax cut. At worst, mass saving could have a negative impact on growth.

  • Global debt woes are building up to a tidal wave

    1. Virtually every class of US debt is at record highs: Sovereign, corporate, auto, student 2. A debt problem not just for the US but also internationally 3. Against slow economic global growth rate, precarious debt level has the makings of a fresh global debt crisis

  • WhyWallStreet’s fearindex remains calm

    When such investors begin to incur losses from their portfolio positions their likely reaction will be to sell the assets that are short volatility, and because these investments have been a key driver in the buying power that has supported the stock markets, the selling pressure is likely to force the markets down.

  • "Muchos cambios a nivel global hacen difícil entender cómo y cuándo ocurre el crecimiento"

    Dambisa Moya article in Spanish. Autora de best sellers sobre temas internacionales e integrante de varios directorios, repasa con "El Mercurio" los desafíos de la actualidad.

  • Three Puzzles of The Financial Markets' Tug of War

    How the mix of bullish and bearish sentiments is muddying the picture.

  • The Mispriced Risk of Infectious Diseases

    Global business leaders and investors are largely transfixed by two kinds of risk: macroeconomic and geopolitical. In the near term, this means a focus on the US Federal Reserve’s impending rate hikes and the upcoming elections in France and Germany. Over the longer term, it means awareness of structural risks like high sovereign debt, demographic shifts, and natural-resource scarcity. But there is a third, arguably more pernicious, risk lurking below most decision-makers’ radar: infectious diseases.

  • What Leaders Can Learn from a Long Run

    More than in any other athletic endeavor, a marathon forces you to confront weaknesses head on, exposing your limitations as well as your strengths.

  • Miners Face "Production Cliff but New Investments Throttled by Cycle of Uncertainty

    KPMG’s latest Insights Into Mining survey found that mining executives believe the ability to develop and replace reserves, including access to new projects, is the biggest concern in 2017. Concerns over production declines have risen steadily since 2013, when it was considered the 10th biggest issue.

  • US Protectionism and Deglobalization Spell Inflation

    President Donald Trump’s promise of a multi-hundred billion dollar fiscal stimulus in infrastructure and, in response, the prospect of three US Fed rate hikes through 2017 will support a strengthening dollar. But while this should help exporters to the country do well, the mounting protectionist stance — including plans for border taxes — will block cheaper imports.

  • Our National Leaders Have Failed Us. It's Time to Hand Over Power to Global Institutions.

    Mounting geopolitical risk (manifest in the rise of populist politicians and Brexit) and ongoing economic headwinds (for example, stagnating global growth rates and persistent unemployment) means we are at a make or break point for globalization. Yet according to economic theory, a pure form of globalization could succeed in delivering a more shared prosperity. In essence, it is not the idea of globalization itself that is problematic; it is that its implementation has not gone far enough.

  • Exploring the Unknown, Unthinkable and Unmeasureable

    For a time, after the 2008 financial crisis, the recruitment of directors with political expertise fell a little out of fashion. “What do they know about business?,” the thinking went, as corporate boards placed a premium on people practised in navigating business adversity during the economic downturn. Now, in the face of emerging geopolitical risks, some boards are asking: “Do we have someone who can make sense of the wild developments of 2016?”

  • Can Europe's Banks Save the EU?

    Despite representing around 20% of world GDP, the eurozone does not have a top-ten bank or financial services institution in the FT 500 global ranking. The knock-on effects of such a fragmented and vulnerable banking system are apparent in Europe’s relatively poor showing in other sectors, such as technology and energy, that are vital for EU members’ economic future.

  • The Globalization Backlash Is Reverberating Through Boardrooms

    Evidence of de-globalization — think Brexit and other attacks on international interdependence — is everywhere.  This has significant and far-reaching implications for corporate decision making.

  • Automation Questions Should be At The ‘Top of the Agenda’

    Global economist Dr Dambisa Moyo talks to Anna Isaac about integrating technology into business and the risks of data manipulation.

  • The Income Gap

    Along with terrorism, climate change, disease pandemics, and the prospect of persistently low economic growth, inequality has crept up the international policy agenda to become one of the most urgent and important issues of our time. Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff has argued that “income inequality is the single biggest threat to social stability around the world, whether it is in the United States, the European periphery, or China.”

  • Why Women in Sports is Better for Business:  My Experience Training for Marathons

    My experience and the qualities that stood out to me during my first marathon training (and in subsequent races) are true for many other women in the workplace and their careers. One of my most important takeaways is that sports can make a significant difference in the professional world by building and strengthening key characteristics like hard work, leadership, perseverance, ambition and confidence. And in a competitive world, they can increasingly help a candidate stand out.

  • Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals is an Imperative

    On 25 September 2015, the 193 countries of the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This comprehensive set of goals aims to “end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all” as part of a new development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved by 2030, and by including education, health, poverty, climate change and the gender divide on the list of 17 goals, the SDGs place in stark light some of the seemingly intractable challenges facing the world.

  • Does Your Board Need a Tech Expert?

    Only six percent of the directors overseeing the world’s biggest banks have any technology experience. That figure, from an Accenture report, is surprising given that the banking industry is increasingly digitized. Yet banking is not alone. Technology is transforming the rules of businesses and reshaping industries in just about every sector.