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Ben Cort Advocate for Marijuana Policy, Addiction, Prevention, and Recovery

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Select Videos

  • Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh

    In 2012, Colorado legalized cannabis and added to what has fast become a multibillion-dollar global industry for all things weed-related: from vape pens to brownies and beyond. But to say that we've legalized marijuana is subtly misleading -- what we've really done is commercialized THC, says educator Ben Cort, and that's led to products that are unnaturally potent. In an eye-opening talk, Cort examines the often unseen impacts of the commercial cannabis industry -- and calls on us to question those who are getting rich off of it.

  • On The Road to Recovery with Ben Cort

    Short segment done on Ben Cort

  • Is Big Marijuana the Next Big Tobacco?

    Panel discussion at Aspen Ideas Festival