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Andre Norman Featured The Ambassador of Hope

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Andre recently spoke at GOT - our annual entrepreneurial summit at MIT. His message was inspiring and he was one of our highest rated speakers. It's no surprise that Andre left our gathering with many new friends and admirers.

G. Michael Maddock - Gathering of the Titans CEO & Founding Partner at Agency of Innovation

Our past events have featured some of the world's most respected visionaries including Sir Richard Branson, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Stephen R. Covey and many others - so being one of the top rated speakers at one of our events is a significant accomplishment. What amazes me about Andre's incredible presentations at our programs is that he has consistently ranked at the very top of the feedback from attendees. I believe it's because Andre is one of the most powerful and mission-driven speakers in the world, and I'm grateful to have met him and to call him a friend.

Greg Habstrit, Founder, SimpleWealth, Inc.