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Afdhel Aziz Founder, Conspiracy of Love, B Corp advising Fortune 500 companies on sustainable and inclusive growth, employee engagement, impact innovation. Best-selling author. Inspiring international AAPI speaker.

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Select Testimonials

"Afdhel Aziz presented an inspiring keynote at our virtual conference. He was a joy to work with. His message was just what we needed to hear during a time like this. We would definitely book him again for another ASAE event!"

American Society of Association Executives

“Afdhel's presentation radiates passion and authenticity and it struck a chord with participants. There was a palpable energy in the room. Thank you Afdhel, we welcome you back anytime.”

Jay-Ann Gilfoy, President and CEO Meridian Credit Union

"His storytelling ability coupled with a unique engagement with the audience, tempo, charisma, and tone – all with a uniquely powerful and genuine message, will surely open eyes, make you smile, and question your entire approach to doing business - I wholeheartedly recommend Afdhel as a resource."

Quique Riancho, YPO Euro-LATAM

Select Client Feedback

Loved his message but way too many videos in his presentation. I paid for a live keynote. If he spoke more I would give 5 stars!

Devon Wylie Customer Relationship Management (CRMC)