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Regina Calcaterra Advocate for Foster Youth & Children in Need; New York Times Best-Selling Author

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“I can't tell you how happy I am that I attended Regina Calcaterra's presentation last night! I was moved when I read Etched in Sand…but must say that hearing Regina in person was a compelling experience and the most inspiring presentation/program that I've experienced at Clarkson in my memory.”

Clarkson University

“Each illuminated figure in Regina Calcaterra's life brings us into intimate relationship with the author's personal experience. We recognize how kind acts can be a beacon of hope, direction and support to a faceless human languishing on the fringes of society.”

Maura Sweeney, Huffington Post

“Regina Calcaterra's life as expressed in Etched in Sand is heart-wrenching, breath taking and awe-inspiring. She speaks with transparency and truthfulness without sugar-coating or passively expressing what life was like. It was an evening that has galvanized further action in support of foster care.”

Vicki Clark, SPECTRUM, Clarkson University