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Jay Baer Featured Business Growth and Customer Experience Expert

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Select Testimonials

“Not only is Jay a killer speaker, but he played an integral role in facilitating connections between our customers on-site. He doesn't just go the extra mile, but MANY. ”

Jennifer Dennis, Global Events, Oracle

“The minute Jay (literally) ran up on stage to inspire over 700 property managers, the energy level in the room reached phenomenal heights. His style—a perfect balance of humorous examples and educational insights—kept people engaged until the very end. It was informative, actionable, and personal—and incredibly valuable to our customers.”

Lisa Horner, Head of Marketing, Appfolio

“Jay was the host for three days at our global IBM conference (thousands in attendance) and he was fantastic. He was very well prepared and turned a good event into an excellent event.”

Matt Stryker, Global Marketing, IBM