Futurists / Trends Keynote Speakers

Browse Futurists / Trends Speakers

Futurists and Trend keynote speakers are adept with their research to address future trends with innovation, technology, genetics, design, workplace, and industries. They are great imagining change and embracing that change. The future is worth pursuing with these futurists and trend keynote speakers emphasizing human values, not just clever technology trend. GDA has a futurists to encourage your next group.

Keynotes: 5 Books: 0 Videos: 5

Kate Ancketill Featured

Leading Authority in Global Business Futurism

Kate is a leading authority in global business futurism. With retail, consumer,
brand, hospitality, and technology specialisation, making complex societal shifts and emerging technologies relatable for any audience.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 2 Videos: 16

Lisa Bodell Featured

CEO of FutureThink; Bestselling Author of "Why Simple Wins"

Lisa Bodell is an award-winning author and CEO of futurethink. As a futurist and expert on change management, she has helped thousands of senior leaders ignite innovation at Google, Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, and more.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 2 Videos: 6

Andrew Busch Featured

Economic Futurist; 1st Chief Market Intelligence Officer for US Government

Economic Futurist Andrew Busch converts today’s chaos into tomorrow’s growth opportunities. He presents intensely informative & highly entertaining keynotes. From deep research, he covers economy, public policy & elections & supercharged trends AI/WFH/Climate. He takes all this research and applies it to your industry to show future growth opportunities

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 8 Videos: 9

Matthew Griffin Featured

CEO and Futurist in Chief of the 311 Institute; Author; The World's Leading Authority on Emerging Technology, Trends, Foresight, and the Future

Described by Ray Kurzwiel's close friends as a "Young Kurzweil" Griffin is a world renowned futurist. Regularly featured in the media including AP, BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC, Discovery, Forbes, Telegraph, ViacomCBS, and WIRED, his ability to explain the global cultural and industrial impact of hundreds of disruptive emerging technologies is unparalleled.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 2 Videos: 4

Shama Hyder Featured

CEO of Zen Media, Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice in Marketing 4X

Shama is a trailblazing, award-winning entrepreneur who has built a global audience and is known for helping brands succeed in the digital age. Forbes, Businessweek, and Inc - Top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs in the field of marketing LinkedIn’s Top 10 Voices in Marketing for four years in a row.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 3 Videos: 13

Vikram Mansharamani Featured

Global Trend-Watcher; Former Harvard and Yale Lecturer; Author

Vikram is a global trend-watcher who shows people how to anticipate the future, manage risk, and spot opportunities. He is an academic, advisor, and author as well as a frequently sought-after speaker. Vikram adopts a uniquely global approach to his work, having worked on every continent other than Antarctica

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Keynotes: 6 Books: 7 Videos: 36

Jamie Metzl Featured

Technology and Healthcare Futurist, Global Affairs Specialist, Science Fiction Novelist, and Genetic Engineering Expert

Jamie Metzl is one of the world's leading futurists and global public health experts who has been called "the original Covid-19 whistleblower" for his groundbreaking work exploring pandemic origins. He is the author of five books, including recent bestseller Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 39 Videos: 4

Jason Schenker Featured

Leading Futurist; Top-Ranked Financial Forecaster and Economist; Chairman of The Futurist Institute; President of Prestige Economics

Jason Schenker is a futurist, economist, and author who prepares leaders for the future. He is a best-selling author of over 30 books and ranked by Boomberg as the #1 forecaster in 26 categories including jobs, home sales, oil and gas prices, and more.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 3 Videos: 7

Futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson Featured

Avant-Garde Ideas that Expand Minds and Inspire a Change of Heart

Anders Sörman-Nilsson: a futurist who merges innovation with sustainability, offering bespoke, impactful keynotes. Trusted by giants like Apple and Google, he transforms uncertainties into strategies, captivating and inspiring audiences. Elevate your event with his expertise, navigating the future with actionable insights.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 3 Videos: 6

Mike Walsh Featured

Bestselling Author of The Algorithmic Leader & CEO of Innovation Research Lab Tomorrow

Mike designs companies for the 21st century. With an engaging blend of case studies, global perspectives and cutting-edge research, Mike’s original insights help business leaders understand and unleash their future potential.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 2 Videos: 3

Crystal Washington Featured

Futurist; Technology Strategist; Named One of Forbes' 50 Leading Female Futurists

As a certified futurist and technology strategist, Crystal takes the complexities of tech trends, social media, apps, and the web and translates them into clear, actionable insights that anyone can grasp. She was recognized by Forbes as one of the top 50 Leading Female Futurists.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 2 Videos: 4

Simon Anderson

Futurist | International Keynote Speaker & Advisor | Award-Winning Author

Simon Anderson uses his Future Ready Formula™ to help leaders and organizations move beyond resilient - to become Future Ready. He shows them how to pay Attention to the "edges," Anticipate the possibilities these changes might create, and lastly, how to take Action to turn those possibilities into opportunities.

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Keynotes: 13 Books: 2 Videos: 4

Nikolas Badminton

Futurist Speaker

Nikolas Badminton grew up with his focus on the future from a very early age to being one of the world’s leading Futurist Keynote Speakers. Read more about his upbringing, education, experience, and some of the projects he became well known for.

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Keynotes: 1 Books: 2 Videos: 2

Larry Burns

Former General Motors VP of R&D, Mobility Consultant for Google Inc.

Lawrence D. "Larry" Burns is the former corporate vice president of Research and Development for General Motors. Burns oversaw GM's advanced technology, innovation programs, and corporate strategy. Within GM, he personally championed vehicle electrification, “connected” vehicles, fuelcells, bio-fuels, advanced batteries, autonomous driving, and a series of innovative concept vehicles.

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Keynotes: 8 Books: 3 Videos: 11

Daniel Burrus

World Leading Futurist on Global Trends and Disruptive Innovation

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Innovation. The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker.

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Keynotes: 6 Books: 2 Videos: 3

Jeff Butler

Helping Organizations Thrive In Multi-Generational Workplaces

A speaker who is a researcher but also practioner. Learn from the demographic you are looking to attract/work with in your organization.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 4 Videos: 7

Jim Carroll

Futurist, AI Keynote Speaker and Innovation Expert

Jim is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading global futurists, trends and innovation experts with a massive global blue chip client list. He has a track record of inspiring organizations to re-frame the opportunity for innovation in the context of significant, trans-formative change.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Adam Cheyer

Top Technology and AI speaker, Co-Founder and VP Engineering of Siri and Viv Labs

Adam Cheyer is a top technology speaker and AI expert. He co-founded Siri, which was acquired by Apple, and later co-founded Viv, which became the basis of the digital voice assistant Bixby for Samsung phones.

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Keynotes: 10 Books: 1 Videos: 2

Tyler Cohen Wood

Talk Show Host, Keynote Speaker, Author, CISSP, Cybersecurity Influencer

As a keynote speaker, author, blogger, national security expert, and overall cyber authority, Tyler Cohen Wood is relied on to provide unique insight into cyber threats, cyber warfare, mitigating cyber risk, national security, and ensuring industries have the tools and knowledge they need to defend themselves in the digital world.

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Keynotes: 6 Books: 7 Videos: 5

Cheryl Cran

Future of Work & Change Leadership Expert; Founder of NextMapping™; Creator of the NextNow Podcast; CEO of Synthesis at Work Inc.

Cheryl is a dynamic and profound inspirational keynote speaker who focuses on a human future including the impact of AI and change leadership. She gives strategies, with high energy delivery and provides audiences with inspiration,tools, ideas and strategies to make the changes needed to be future ready now. 

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 10 Videos: 7

Ken Dychtwald

Renowned Visionary of the Age Wave and Longevity in America; Founder & CEO of Age Wave

Dr. Ken Dychtwald has emerged as North America’s foremost visionary and original thinker regarding the lifestyle, marketing, health care, and workforce implications of the age wave. During his career, Ken has addressed more than two million people worldwide in his speeches to corporate, association, social service, and government groups.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 4 Videos: 4

Maddy Dychtwald

National Authority on Women, Aging, & Marketplace Trends

Maddy Dychtwald is a national bestselling author and leading expert on the changing demographic trends shaping the marketplace, the workplace, and our lives. She has emerged as an authority on the economic ascent and well-being of women and its impact on industries, including financial services, healthcare, and consumer marketing.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Bryan Eisenberg

New York Times Bestselling Author on Customer Experience, Using Data and Buyer Legends

Bryan has spent the last two decades helping companies from Google, HP, GE, Marketo and businesses of smaller size improve their bottom line by focusing on helping their customers buy.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 1 Videos: 13

Mike Evans

Leading Authority on Artificial Intelligence Impact, Change & Disruption, Culture Shaping, Exemplary Leadership and Accountability & Resilience

As a leading authority on artificial intelligence impact, change and disruption, Mike's mission is to help individuals, teams and organizations accelerate their ability to achieve more than they ever believed possible. He uses his unique insights, passion, experience, and humor to positively affect individuals, teams and organizations around the world.

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Keynotes: 11 Books: 4 Videos: 8

Steve Goreham

Speaker/Author/Researcher Environment, Business, and Public Policy

Effective communicator in the corporate board room, lecture hall, and on the debate panel regarding the environment, energy, climate change, weather trends, corporate environmental policy, and future trends.

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Keynotes: 10 Books: 3 Videos: 2

Alex Goryachev

AI Innovation Expert; Former GM of Global Innovation Centers at Cisco; WSJ Best-Selling Author

Alex is an award-winning global technology operations executive, and WSJ best-selling author. With 20+ years of experience in building and leading global cross-industry business & technology teams focused on revenue and market share growth. He is known for demystifying complexities of emerging technologies, cutting through the hype.

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Keynotes: 10 Books: 0 Videos: 21

Michaela Guzy

Award Winning Filmmaker, Travel and Human Connection Expert, Recovering Corp Exec, NYU Adjunct Professor, TV Personality

Michaela Guzy, award-winning filmmaker, entrepreneur, sustainable travel expert, left Corporate America in 2012 to reshape narratives via new media. She champions human connections, pivoting through crises, and currently hosts "Sleeping Around Safely," her third viral series, showcasing life as a jet-setting gypsy living in hotels post-pandemic.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 3 Videos: 9

Rahaf Harfoush

Digital Anthropologist; New York Times Best-Selling Author; Member of the UN's Advisory Body on AI

Rahaf Harfoush is a strategist, digital anthropologist and author who focuses on the intersections of emerging technology, innovation and digital culture.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 5 Videos: 1

Noreena Hertz

Economist; One of the World's Leading Thinkers

Noreena Hertz is a renowned thought leader and economist with an impressive track record in predicting global trends. She advises some of the world's leading business, media, and political players on strategy, digital, sustainability, and global economic and geo-political risks.

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Keynotes: 8 Books: 0 Videos: 4

Daniel Hulme, PhD

CEO & Founder of Satalia; Techno Activist; Leading Artificial Intelligence Expert

Daniel Hulme is a leading expert in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, and is the CEO of Satalia, an award-winning company that provides AI products and solutions for global companies such as Tesco and PwC. He speaks on the topics of AI, ethics, technology, innovation, decentralization and organisational design.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 3 Videos: 1

Ryan Jenkins, CSP

Wall Street Journal Bestselling Leadership Author & Speaker | #1 Thought Leader on Team Connection | Generations, Gen Z & Future of Work Expert

Optimize generational dynamics, strengthen team connection, and prepare for the future of work with Wall Street Journal bestselling leadership author and speaker, Ryan Jenkins CSP.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 8 Videos: 7

Dr. Michio Kaku

Theoretical Physicist, Professor, Futurist and New York Times Best-selling Author

He is an internationally recognized authority in two areas. The first is Einstein’s unified field theory, which Kaku is attempting to complete. The other is to predict trends affecting business, commerce and finance based on the latest research in science.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 5 Videos: 6

Thomas Koulopoulos


Tom Koulopoulos is a leading futurist, author of eleven books including Revealing the Invisible; The Gen Z EffectCloud Surfing; and The Innovation Zoneand founder of Delphi Group, a Boston-based think tank named one of the fastest growing private companies in the US by Inc. Magazine.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 0 Videos: 5

Daniel Kraft, MD

Physician, Scientist, and Entrepreneur

Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician, scientist, entrepreneur, inventor and innovator who speaks on how rapidly developing technologies are and will impact the future of healthcare and medicine.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 1 Videos: 6

Greg Lindsay

Urbanist, Futurist, and Expert on the Post-Pandemic Future of Cities, Work, Travel, Mobility, and more

Greg is a generalist, urbanist, and futurist who speaks frequently about the future of cities, mobility, tech­no­logy, security, and work.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 0 Videos: 16

Lital Marom

Serial Entrepreneur, Innovation Strategist and Visionary

Lital Marom is a digital visionary, entrepreneur and strategist leading a new approach to learning and social change. Lital empowers business leaders with the innovation tools required to enter new markets, new sources of revenue, scale faster, increase profit to future proof their businesses in the digital economy.

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Keynotes: 9 Books: 1 Videos: 3

Cam Marston

Workplace and Marketplace Trends Expert; Generational Differences Authority

Cam Marston is an author, advisor, radio talk show host, and top-rated keynote speaker on the trends shaping the workplace and marketplace. He enlivens the data with anecdotes, tales from the real business world, attention-grabbing visuals, and quips that make the messages and actionable strategies memorable.

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Keynotes: 10 Books: 4 Videos: 13

Seth Mattison

Leadership, Culture and Future of Work Strategist

Seth Mattison is an International expert on workforce trends and generational dynamics. As founder and CEO of Futuresight Labs and Strategic Partner at BridgeWorks, LLC. Seth advises many of the world’s leading brands and corporations on the key shifts happening around talent management, change, leadership, and the future of work.

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Keynotes: 8 Books: 3 Videos: 3

Heather E. McGowan

Future-of-Work Strategist

Future-of-work strategist Heather E. McGowan averages 75 speaking events a year from small audiences of c level executives to large forums of thousands. Her speaking while grounded in the changing nature of work extend to include talking points on leadership, DEI/DEIB, engagement, empowerment, culture, innovation, and transformation. 

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 4 Videos: 7

Michael McQueen

Futurist; Trend Forecaster; Best-Selling Author

Michael McQueen is an award-winning forecaster and best-selling author of eight books. With clients including KPMG, Pepsi and Cisco, he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate disruption and maintain momentum.


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Keynotes: 5 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Morris Morrison

Speaker, Futurist, Author and Entrepreneur

Morris Morrison is a world-class entertainer, futurist, and author who became obsessed with building strongerkinder, more focused human beings after being orphaned in New York City, then, being orphaned a second time as a teen — before a doctor’s words changed his life forever.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Monique Morrow

Senior Distinguished Architect for Emerging Technologies at Syniverse Technologies. Founder and President, The Humanized Internet. President of the VETRI Foundation. CTO, Cisco (2012-2016)

Monique is President and Co-Founder of the Humanized Internet, a non-profit organization focused on providing digital identity for those individuals most underserved, blockchain is certainly a potential mechanism for this billion people challenge. 

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Keynotes: 20 Books: 3 Videos: 8

Edgar Perez

Technology and Business Author and Strategy Consultant: AI, Web3, Metaverse and Quantum

Global executives have come to appreciate Edgar for his wide-ranging insights on how they can spark continuous innovation and harness disruptive technologies. From AI to Quantum Computing, from 5G to the Metaverse, Edgar shows you how to leverage the power of these game-changing trends to transform your organization.

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Keynotes: 7 Books: 0 Videos: 7

David Polinchock

Accomplished Innovator in Media, Technology and Experience

David's presentations aren't just talks, they're experiences. From Disney stages to cutting-edge VR campaigns, he brings over 30 years of diverse expertise to life. He's not just a theorist – he's been in the trenches of experiential advertising, city festivals, and the VR marketing revolution.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 4 Videos: 4

Smiley Poswolsky

Workplace Belonging, Culture & Future of Work Expert, Bestselling Author

One of the top workplace belonging, culture and future of work speakers in the world, Smiley helps companies foster belonging and human connection in an ever-evolving workforce. He is the bestselling author of Friendship in the Age of Loneliness and The Workplace Belonging Toolkit. 

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Keynotes: 2 Books: 1 Videos: 3

Sam Rad

The Radical Futurist; Anthropologist; Entrepreneur

Sam Rad combines the mindsets of an anthropologist and technologist. With the charisma of a rockstar, curiosity of an anthropologist, creativity of an entrepreneur, and calm confidence of an ex-professional skydiver, Sam effortlessly guides organizations to thrive in times of radical and accelerating change.

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Keynotes: 8 Books: 3 Videos: 9

Byron Reese

AI Expert, Optimistic Futurist, Tech Entrepreneur, WSJ Best-Selling Author of 5 Books Translated into 13 Languages

With 25+ years as a successful tech entrepreneur, Byron speaks on the transformative effect of technology on the workplace and society at large. He captivates audiences worldwide sharing how technology is empowering us to build a better world, inviting people to imagine this better world and build it.

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Keynotes: 1 Books: 0 Videos: 2

Chris Riddel

Award Winning Human Futurist

Award winning, industry recognized futurist, media commentator, nowist and renowned strategist and global trend spotter; Created the corporate digital strategy behind brands such as Whiskas, Pedigree Petfoods, Starburst, and Snickers as Australia and New Zealand’s first ever Chief Digital Officer for Mars, Inc.; Hundreds of primetime television appearances

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 1 Videos: 6

April Rinne

Change Navigator & Guide to help you embrace uncertainty; Top-Ranked Global Futurist with Work and Travels in 100+ countries; Bestselling author of Flux

April has been at the forefront of change, innovation, strategy and leadership for 25+ years. Working in more than 100 countries, is a top-ranked global futurist, change navigator & guide to help you embrace uncertainty.

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Keynotes: 6 Books: 4 Videos: 11

Michael Rogers

The Practical Futurist; Technology Pioneer; Best-Selling Author

Michael Rogers is a technology pioneer, best-selling author, and dynamic futurist speaker. He delivers an entertaining and common-sense vision of change for business and individuals, Michael blends technology, economics, demographics, culture and human nature.

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Keynotes: 9 Books: 5 Videos: 7

John Sanei

Futures Strategist; Global Expert at Singularity University; 5x Best-Selling Author

John is a best-selling author, Singularity University faculty member, global speaker, podcast host and macro trend specialist. By combining aspects of human psychology, business strategy, and future studies, John provides a unique and holistic approach to achieving future-readiness.

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Keynotes: 1 Books: 5 Videos: 5

Patrick Schwerdtfeger

Futurist Leading Authority on Technology Trends

As a leading expert in technology trends and a recognized authority on global business trends, Patrick Schwerdtfeger's work focuses on providing insights into the technological forces driving the transformation of businesses around the world.

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Keynotes: 8 Books: 0 Videos: 11

Jack Shaw

Innovation and Change Management Strategist, Global Thought Leader and Emerging Tech Futurist

Jack Shaw is an Innovation and Change Management Strategist with more than 30 years' experience helping leaders transform their organizations' digital ecosystems amid new waves of emerging technology.

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Keynotes: 11 Books: 15 Videos: 8

Raj Sisodia

Best-Selling Author; Founding Leader of the Conscious Capitalism Movement

The world is changing and human beings are evolving rapidly. Business-as-usual will no longer work. Raj’s inspiring and original research shows that companies rooted in higher purpose and built on love and care outperform dramatically financially while creating many kinds of value for all stakeholders, including society and the planet.

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Keynotes: 3 Books: 0 Videos: 2

Marc Sluijs

Founder, DigitalHealth.Network

Marc’s passionate about fostering the digital health ecosystem. He has been advising on digital health strategy and investment through his company Digitalhealth.Network since early 2015, and has been active in digital health since 2010.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 12 Videos: 2

Michael Solomon

Expert on Consumer Behavior

 A leading expert with cutting-edge approaches to sales and consumer psychology. He works with major marketers to help them understand what their brands really mean to the people who buy them.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 0 Videos: 3

Emilie Sydney-Smith

Corporate Transformation Coach, Award-winning Speaker, Proven Entrepreneur, and Disruption Expert

Emilie Sydney-Smith is CEO of ExO Works. We are entering the era of the highest wealth creation and destruction the world has ever seen. Yet most existing companies are simply iterating on their existing core products and services, many of which will soon be obsolete.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 5 Videos: 3

Howard A. Tullman

Entrepreneur, Futurist, Venture Capitalist, Author

Howard Tullman is an American serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, educator, writer, lecturer and art collector. He currently serves as General Managing Partner of Chicago High Tech Investors, LLC and G2T3V, LLC. He was formerly the Chairman of the Board of The Princeton Review (NYC) and The Cobalt Group (Seattle).

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 4 Videos: 3

Jack Uldrich

World Renowned Futurist, Author, Expert on Change

Jack Uldrich speaks over 100 times a year to organizations, especially agriculture, education, energy, finance, retail, health care and manufacturing. He says creativity and action are more powerful and versatile than knowledge. He is energetic and full of thoughtful business and personal advice that will educate, entertain, and inspire audiences.

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Keynotes: 4 Books: 3 Videos: 8

Steven Van Belleghem

Customer Focus Expert, Author, Keynote Speaker

Steven is an expert in customer focus in a digital world. He is a popular international keynote speaker. In his keynote presentations, Steven takes his audience on a journey to the world of modern customer relationships in a clever, enthusiastic and inspiring way.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 2 Videos: 3

Kelly Vero

Futurist; Game Developer; an Architect of the Metaverse

Kelly Vero is a futurist, a game developer, and an architect of the metaverse. She is also a bestselling novelist and science fiction writer even publishing children’s books to expand her audience beyond video games.

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Keynotes: 9 Books: 2 Videos: 1

Lisa X Walden

Co-Founder of Good Company Consulting

As co-founder of Good Company Consulting, she strives to create deep mindset shifts that help people better collaborate, communicate, and prepare for the workplace of the future. Lisa is co-author of Managing Millennials for Dummies, and is currently wrapping up her next book.

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Keynotes: 5 Books: 12 Videos: 10

Nicholas J Webb

Top Keynote Speaker on Innovation, Healthcare, Leadership, Workforce and Future Trends

Nick is a #1 best-selling author who specializes in speaking about the future of innovation, healthcare, future trends, workplace dynamics, leadership, and technology. Additionally, Nick serves as the CEO of LeaderLogic, LLC, a Management Consulting Firm that offers consulting services to top brands.

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Keynotes: 29 Books: 4 Videos: 5

Peter Zeihan

Geopolitical Strategist; Thinker; Futurist; Author

Geopolitical Strategist Peter Zeihan (pronounced Zion) is a global energy, demographic and security expert whose understanding of demography, economics, energy, politics, technology, and security helps clients best prepare for an uncertain future.

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