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Dr. Steve Taubman Empowerment Expert, Results Catalyst, Hypnotist, Humorist

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Select Articles

  • CAVE GPS: A System for Mindful Leadership

    No longer can the leader rely on his or her intelligence, ambition and authority to move the ball down the field. Leaders must be centered, with an ability to demonstrate high levels of awareness and patience. Through centering exercises like meditation and contemplation, the real leader cultivates the inner witness, a part of the self that observes the mind objectively. From this arises critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and compassion.

  • Burnout to Brilliance: Effortlessly Outperform Your Best Year Ever

    There's no denying the prevalence of burnout among workers in virtually every industry. With increasing regulations, decreasing resources, heightened competition, and a rapidly changing world, we're often at the helm of a storm-battered ship relying on an exhausted, resentful, overwhelmed, and unhealthy crew to keep us afloat...

  • Creating a Culture of Mindfulness

    There are organizations that have discovered the Holy Grail of peace, productivity and engagement. Scratch the surface, and what you'll discover is that a large measure of what fuels that desired state for those organizations comes down to something most organizations haven't even defined let alone prioritized…mindfulness.

  • Zen Monks, Navy SEALS, and You

    There exist remarkable leadership lessons drawn from areas other than business. Thankfully, in the last decade, many of the sources have come out of the shadows and been accepted by certain forward thinking companies for their wisdom and applicability. In the area of mindset management, nothing rivals the lessons from Zen philosophy or from Navy SEAL training. And, the most important of those lessons differs very little regardless of which of those sources you explore.

  • How Saying "NO" Can Help You Reach Your Goals

    Much of personal growth happens when we take chances and subscribe to new experiences. But one of the pillars of self-care is also the ability to reclaim our time and energy—and you can do that with a simple “no.” Being picky with what you agree to do and turn down puts the power of time back in your hands. Now, we know you can't turn down or reject everything, but, when it comes to reaching your goals, it's important to distinguish what's important to you from what's not pushing you forward.