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Mark Pollock Explorer, Innovator, and Collaboration Catalyst

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“During our Google team off-site, Mark was our keynote speaker. He combined messages of resilience, innovation and collaboration to prompt our team to reflect on how we deal with challenges, big and small. His delivery was powerful, emotional and uplifting in equal measure.”

Director Sales, Google

In the weeks following Mark's talk I have seen managers' at LinkedIn reference Mark's approach to solving complex problems. His talk was inspirational and can be applied in our daily business lives.

Director, Northern Europe & Growth Markets - LinkedIn

Mark was a speaker at National Geographic's Extreme Explorers dinner in Davos in January 2016. His personal story and insights were incredibly powerful, and clearly had a profound impact on everyone in the room. He embodies the spirit, resilience and determination that are the hallmarks of what it means to be an explorer.

Editor in Chief - National Geographic Magazine

I had high hopes and expectations and they were all exceeded significantly. Since the session, so many of our business partners have commented on how much they appreciated Mark's input and how we used his insights to set the tone for the conference. Most importantly, Mark is living proof that we are able to overcome any challenges.

EMEAR Strategic Account Lead, Cisco

Mark brought a hugely authentic and moving story to our conference. He challenged us all to think about the mind-sets we bring to work and life, and to change those for the better.

Global HR Manager Crude & SEE - Shell UK

Mark prompted us to consider how we, as leaders, turn challenges into opportunities. This isn't just a personal resilience story, it's a leadership lesson.

Group Chief Executive, Bank of Ireland

Thank you for your presentation at our 2018 Partners' Conference. The story, your response and the manner in which you have turned such adversity into a positive is awe-inspiring enough. But the real message for me lies in your delivery which is laced with humour, warmth and humility. As you may have detected, building our community is very important in the business we're building and the characteristics you displayed, coupled with your inspiring messages, will serve as model behaviours for everyone who heard you.

HEAD OF PFP CHANGE & CONTROLS - Prudential Financial Planning

Mark provided a powerful perspective to the assembled media at Davos. Mark doesn't just talk about the transformative intersection of technology and humankind – he lives it. As he explores a cure for paralysis, he helped people understand the human dimension of the fourth industrial revolution at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting.

Head of Public Engagement & Foundations - World Economic Forum

The rule of seven is one of the oldest concepts in marketing, the rule states that you must hear something seven times before you act. Mark is a rule breaker in so many ways, but most importantly his message to be a competitor or spectator, realist or optimist, collaborator or soloist was a onetime hit with our team at LinkedIn. I have heard Mark speak many times and each time I come away with a renewed sense of purpose and willingness to act. Mark's drive to build radical collaboration hubs is one of the most important efforts in his drive to find a cure for paralysis however it's also the biggest lesson he has for those he interacts with.


Mark has presented to our EY tax department and to the finalists of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year programme. By using his experiences as a backdrop, he presented the decisions that we all face in times of uncertainty and change. And, as the story unfolded, both audiences were prompted to examine their decision making when challenges appear. The relevance to entrepreneurs and corporate employees alike was excellent.

Head of Tax and EY Entrepreneur of the Year Programme - EY Ireland

Mark joined us at our National Conference to share his insights into individual decision making in tough circumstances, and the importance of collaborative working. Using his own field of endeavour to bring the session to life, he prompted us to focus on the decisions we make when we face challenges, rather than the challenges themselves. It is this kind of thinking that led us to invite Mark to speak at our conference, where he delivered a very powerful speech that left a lasting impression.

Pfizer - UK Managing Director

Mark joined us at our DJO Global sales conference to kick off the year. The feedback from the team after his speech was incredible and unanimously positive. Mark's inspirational words had a huge impact on the team and helped them to put their own challenges into perspective. His message resonated throughout the remainder of the conference. We have had many guest speakers at our annual conference over the years but no one made a lasting impact quite like Mark.


It was a privilege to have Mark address both our customers and our Management Team at Google. He delivers that rare combination of inspiration, perspective and practical insight that forces his audience to really reflect on how they rise to their personal challenges and set goals that seem unachievable. He delivers his message in a deeply personal, humorous and memorable way that lands with his audience. It was a pleasure for all of us to spend time in his company. Inspiring.


I was honored to meet with Mark Pollock in Ireland this year, where we engaged with teachers and students at St. Patrick's College to discuss the ways technology is changing how students learn. Mark is an extreme adventurer and athlete who has raced to the South Pole — and even more incredibly, he was the first blind man to ever do so. Mark is a brilliant example of the fact that we can always achieve more than what we think is possible.


Mark presented at our Global Sales Partners Conference in Twitter and was exceptional. His ability to link his personal story to people's everyday life and work challenges was excellent. The session was not just about listening to an incredible story, it was a chance for everyone to really think about themselves. There is something in this talk for everyone.