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David Polinchock Accomplished Innovator in Media, Technology and Experience

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Select Articles

  • AR Portals, The Metaverse and NFTs, Oh My!

    David was actively involved in VR in the 90's and coined the phrase Experiential Advertising to talk about the use of VR as a marketing tool in 1993. Now, almost 30 years later, he's back working with the technology of today and once again exploring ways that brands and retailers can use this tech to create immersive experiences that allow the consumer to enter and interact with brand messaging.

  • Advertising Week with David Polinchock

    A few months back, I had coffee with Mari Kim Novak, who was about to start as president of Advertising Week, the annual celebration of the advertising indstry that happens in NYC. She wanted to create a new experience for Advertising Week, something that focused on the emerging technologies everyone's talking about, like VR, AR, AI, voice and others.

  • Are You Just Hunting

    It’s not just a cliché, it is a new world. The problem is, if you listen to the language of marketing, it sounds a lot like the language of a hunt. It’s about capturing the audience, capturing “eyeballs.” Capture audiences everywhere and claim that as success. I know it’s not a pretty image, but I keep seeing the pictures that were used years ago to protest seal hunts—except that now the marketing community is holding the clubs and the consumers are the seals.

  • Brand Experience Lab Opens Up Playroom

    Article on the launch of Brand Experience Lab and the work that I did to help brands better understand how to communicate with their audiences.

  • Conversations with Digital Natives

    A variety of posts from our presentations with Sydney and her classmates on how teens view the media, content and the digital world they live in today.

  • VR Isn't Just About Technology

    Some reflections on 20+ years in the VR space. The first lesson for using any technology in marketing is to make the technology invisible and work on the content, not forgetting that people like to have fun.

  • You Need to Captivate, Not Capture Your Audience

    People in captivity always revolt -- you can take that to the bank. If we don't start looking for ways to captivate rather then capture, then we need to start fortifying the barricades. For the revolt will come. And sadly, many people in this biz will be yelling, "Let them watch commercials" as they're led to the guillotine.

  • Ahead of the Curve

    A host of emerging technologies are being enthusiastically embraced by rapidly growing numbers of digitally savvy consumers. Leading brands and retailers should be harnessing these technologies to create engaging experiences and practical tools that enrich consumers' lifestyles. If they are to stay ahead of the game, brands must explore and integrate these new developments. How are you looking at innovation today?